WMS/WFS Authentication

Barend Köbben kobben at ITC.NL
Sun May 27 05:56:28 EDT 2007

Also of course , there are OGC secure services. I have no real knowledge of thier working, but they are

WAS :Web Authentication Service - authenticates users and issues tickets that prove successful authentication   WSS: Web Security Service - gateway to OGC Web Services with secured data or operations   
 WSC: Web Security Client - access for local OGC Web Service Clients 
(these are actual products as found on one implementers site, the 52 north Open source initiative: http://52north.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=36&Itemid=120)
Barend Köbben 
International Institute for Geo-information Sciences and  Earth Observation (ITC) 
PO Box 6, 7500AA Enschede (The Netherlands) 
ph: +31-(0)534874253; mobile: +31-(0)622344955


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