FONTSET problem on mac os x - empty rectangles in the image

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Tue Oct 16 00:09:22 EDT 2007

The problem is that the arial    /Library/Fonts/ArialHB.ttf font you are 
using is not the same encoding as the shapefile data.


Webb Sprague wrote:
> I am attaching the file, but this didn't fix the problem.  You can see
> the empty boxes.
> Thx, though ;)
> -W
> On 10/15/07, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at> wrote:
>> Is this a transparent overlay layer? is IMAGECOLOR 0 0 0? if so then
>> that color is transparent and you leters are also transparent. If that
>> is the case change your label COLOR 1 1 1 and it should fix the problem.
>> -Steve
>> Webb Sprague wrote:
>>> Hi again
>>> I am trying to get labels based on a the "name" field in a postgis
>>> table (of GNIS placenames). Everything works great (the overlay, the
>>> triangle symbol, etc), but in the image, I get empty boxes where the
>>> letters should be (though I get a one-to-one box to letter).  If
>>> anyone can help, I would sure appreciate it.  (I am  running a generic
>>> mapserver from installed by fink.)
>>>  Here is the view definition in sql:
>>> SELECT placenames.gid AS oid,, placenames.desig,
>>> placenames.elev, placenames.the_geom
>>>    FROM placenames
>>>   WHERE placenames.desig::text = 'airport'::text
>>>   ORDER BY placenames.gid;
>>> Here is the my font file (yes, the files do exist):
>>> MAPSCRIPT[2]$ cat fonts.list
>>> arial    /Library/Fonts/ArialHB.ttf
>>> arial2    /Library/Fonts/Arial
>>> Here is the layer in my mapfile:
>>>         LAYER
>>>                 NAME "airports"
>>>                 CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>>>                 CONNECTION "user=wsprague dbname=or_gis host=localhost"
>>>                 DATA "the_geom from airports_view"
>>>                 STATUS DEFAULT
>>>                 TYPE POINT
>>>                 LABELITEM "name"
>>>                 LABELCACHE ON
>>>                 CLASS
>>>                         NAME "LocationSymbol"
>>>                         SYMBOL "triangle"
>>>                         COLOR 100 100 82
>>>                    LABEL
>>>                                 # OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>>>                                 # MINDISTANCE 200 # Label only at close range
>>>                                 COLOR 0 0 0
>>>                                 TYPE TRUETYPE
>>>                                 SIZE 12
>>>                                 FONT "arial"
>>>                                 POSITION cc
>>>                                 ANGLE AUTO
>>>                                 PARTIALS FALSE
>>>                         END #end label
>>>                 END
>>>         END
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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