confused by STATUS ON/OFF purpose

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Oct 17 12:42:15 PDT 2007

With regards to the CGI. It turns everything off that is not "STATUS DEFAULT" off so all layers start from the same state (e.g. off) and must be explicitly requested to be drawn or query. That common state made (at least in my mind) implementations easier. I mean, if a layer "lakes" started ON the doing layer=lakes would turn it OFF. So I wanted to remove the ambiguity of a starting state.

So, from the CGI point of view if it's not a default layer then consider it off and you must request it. Does that help?


>>> Nathan Vander Wilt <nathan.vanderwilt at ORIONNETWORKSOLUTIONS.COM> 10/17/07 1:48 PM >>>
I'm trying to figure out what a layer's "STATUS" really means. I get  
DEFAULT -- basically, the layer is on no matter what. But in  
practice, I'm not seeing the difference between ON and OFF. has a  
promising description, but doesn't seem accurate either.

When I query layers=all, I get layers with both ON and OFF status,.
When I omit layer/layers from my query entirely, I don't get any ON  
images, just DEFAULT ones.

What CGI query will return the layers with ON or DEFAULT set, but no  
OFF layers?


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