Adding lines to GetCapabilites document

Paul Tildesley Paul.Tildesley at CSIRO.AU
Thu Oct 18 22:08:33 EDT 2007

For a particular application that uses my WMS, I need to add something
like the following lines to the GetCapabilities document generated by
<Dimension name="CurrencyStartDate" units="date"/>
<Extent name="CurrencyStartDate">2000-01-01T00:00:00</Extent>
<Dimension name="CurrencyEndDate" units="date"/>
<Extent name="CurrencyEndDate">2010-12-31T23:59:59</Extent>
This is valid in the GetCapabilities document but I cannot find a way to
get Mapserver to generate this information. At present I am using a
static document that has been hand modified but this is not a very
satisfactory long term solution.
I am currently running Mapserver 4.8.3 but I can upgrade if necessary.
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