open map using coordinates from a database
John Westwood
John.Westwood at PORT.AC.UK
Wed Sep 5 09:25:42 PDT 2007
Hi Henric
MapServer can be set up as a WFS (Web Feature Service) server for
vector data and / or a WMS (Web Map Service) server for raster data. You
can then write a WFS request URL or WMS request URL and this should
return the specified map layer at the specified coordinates.
You need to look up how to make WFS / WMS requests and how to set up
MapServer as a WFS / WMS server. There are some good information on the
MapServer web site, just use the search box. :)
An example WMS request could look something like this:,-90,180,90&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=300&FORMAT=image/png
You can use many different databases with MapServer. Personally, I
would recommend Postgres with the PostGIS extension - this works well
with MapServer. You would load your vector data into the database and
then in the MapServer map file you would specify a database connection
string as the data source for a particular layer.
I found the book Web Mapping Illustrated, published by O'Reilly to be
very useful.
I hope this will give you somewhere to start.
John W.
>>> On 04/09/2007 at 18:31, in message
<002301c7ef19$649cb180$1102a8c0 at HENRIC>,
Henric Ernstson <henric at ERNSTSON.NU> wrote:
> Hi I am a new-bee on mapserver and planing to use a map-server and a
> database, I would like to use data(coordinates) in my database,
> generating a url- that i can use to open a map-view on mapserver
> The quetion is where to start, I can make applications (have tryed
> simple ones) and have made some more complex using chameleon
> I have not found any thing on how to generate a url depending on
> coordinates or any other way for fixing this
> best reg. Henric
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