KMLMapServer project beta release

Alessandro Pasotti ale.pas at TISCALI.IT
Fri Sep 14 01:34:17 PDT 2007


I released the first beta of a small package the helps serving mapserver data 
as KML/KMZ folders and/or network links.

It is written in php_mapscript and use PHP5 with simplexml functions.

Licence is GPL but commercial support/licencing is available on demand.

The goal of this project is to add KML output capabilities to any running 
MapServer installation. It will run out-of-the-box with zero or minimal 
configuration. Basically you just install this package somewhere under you 
web server root and it will work without any configuration. Configuration, if 
needed, is done through metadata in the MapServer’s mapfile, so you don’t 
have any other configuration files to worry about.
There is also a simple caching system since some requests could be quite CPU 

By now, the project page and download is here:

Testers, bug hunters and help are welcome!

Alessandro Pasotti
itOpen - "Open Solutions for the Net Age"
Linux User# 167502

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