[mapserver-users] Mapserver and Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Chris King whereismyshuttle at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 13:34:02 PDT 2008

I thought I'd share my results of my past few weeks work on resolving my 
problem with the location of the plugin dll I was looking for.

I found the dll in a product at http://www.mapdotnet.com (simply installed 
the demo and copied the dll then uninstalled)

And I have just finished importing all my map data in SQL 2008. I reserved 
the road data for last and noticed a significant decrease in performance as 
I switched between postgre and sql 2008. And average of 1 or 2 seconds 
slower than postgre with a max of about 5 or 6 seconds where lots of detail 
is being displayed on the map.

Anyway, as much as I wana tell Bill his program stinks, we will lose the 
competition if I do ;) so I'm forced to stick with SQL 08 and look for ways 
to improve performance. (Any links will be greatly appreciated)


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