[mapserver-users] MapServer logs

P Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Fri Apr 18 06:32:49 PDT 2008

>Debugging a map file is a logical process, just like debugging a program.

Thus spake Warmerdam in nuther thread.

Ok then. I have the following situation --

Client OpenLayers calling MapServer via WMS.

MapServer getting data out of a db (homegrown SQLiteGIS) via an OGR connection.
    CONNECTION     "/Users/punkish/Data/sqlitegis/wi.db"
    DATA           "SELECT wkt_geometry FROM sg_zip"

I want MapServer to write every call that it makes to the database via
OGR. So, I added the following line to my map file
    LOG "/Users/punkish/Sites/sqlitegis/tmp/ms.log"

tmp directory is writeable. The map is rendered just fine, thank you,
however, no logfile.

What is my culpa?

Puneet Kishor

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