[MAPSERVER-USERS] Mapserv problems on Fedora

Philippe Kruschitz p_kruschitz at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 30 05:36:09 PDT 2008

It worked! Thank you list....

There was, indeed, a second regex library involved. The first time I tried
to compile Mapserver, 
I relied on a 1.4.2 GDAL package from the EPEL Repository. This package used
the POSIX library, 'librx', which wasn't
removed when I later uninstalled the GDAL package to compile it myself. For
some obscure reasons, building
GDAL from source used 'librx' instead of the system regex?... It would only
work after I completely removed the
POSIX library. I don't need librx, but I was wondering if this was a normal
behaviour? Should I post it to the GDAL list?

Thanks again,


Daniel Morissette-2 wrote:
> Sounds as if there might be two different copies of the regex library 
> involved in the build, and the wrong one would be used at runtime and 
> result in regex evaluations failing. This used to happen with PHP 
> MapScript when MapServer was compiled with the system regex and PHP was 
> compiled with its built-in regex. I realize that you are using mapserv 
> in this case and not PHP MapScript so it's not related to PHP at all, 
> but I would suggest that you look to make sure there is not another 
> dependency in your build that pulls a second copy of regex into the mix.
> Daniel
> Philippe Kruschitz wrote:
>> Do you think overriding the default mapfile pattern ("\\.map$") by
>> setting 
>> MS_MAPFILE_PATTERN could be a solution?
>> (though I still don't get why the regular expression returns as false,
>> the path in the URL obviously fits the default pattern...??)
>> Philippe
>> Philippe Kruschitz wrote:
>>> Hi Steven,
>>> Thanks for the hint. I'm glad it worked for you, although I doubt this
>>> has
>>> anything to do with AGG.
>>> Usually, trying to access non-existent mapfiles throws a LoadMap error:
>>> msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/home/pk/gis/no.map)
>>> Trying with non-existent and working mapfiles (using GD rendering)
>>> always
>>> gets me the same error:
>>> [http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=no.map]
>>> msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String (no.map) failed
>>> expression
>>> test.
>>> [http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/pk/gis/no.map]
>>> msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String (/home/pk/gis/no.map)
>>> failed expression test.
>>> [http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/pk/gis/test.map]
>>> msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String (/home/pk/gis/test.map)
>>> failed expression test.
>>> To be sure, I recompiled Mapserver without agg support, getting the same
>>> result.
>>> I'm slowly considering switching to an Ubuntu server, as I tried almost
>>> everything I could.
>>> By the way, how did you find out about your bug?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Philippe
>>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>>> Philippe,
>>>> My regex crash was because of a bug in mapserver
>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/2577#comment:8
>>>> which has been fixed now in svn. It was specifically related to a crash 
>>>> cause when AGG FORMATOPTION PALETTE=<file> could not open <file>.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>    -Steve W
>>>> Philippe Kruschitz wrote:
>>>>>> You --must-- compile and install the last version of
>>>>>> gd, the gd version on RHEL 5 and 5.1 is broken, also
>>>>>> on centos and fedora core 8.
>>>>>> Be sure to replace the old gd version on /usr/lib,
>>>>>> also check the simlinks on /usr/lib, then run ldconfig
>>>>>> as root.
>>>>>> If you use mapserver with phpmapscript install php-gd
>>>>>> with yum.
>>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>>> Saludos.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Nahum Castro
>>>>>> Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico
>>>>>> http://www.leon-linux.com
>>>>>> e-mail: pedro1_72 [en] yahoo [punto] com
>>>>> I did pretty much everything you said before compiling mapserver (i
>>>>> didn't
>>>>> have mapscript, though).
>>>>> I tried to to change the malloc value, as frank warmerdam suggested,
>>>>> with
>>>>> exactly the same result as stephen woodbridge: the crash is fixed, but
>>>>> the
>>>>> regular expression systematically fails.....
>>>>> Anyone has an idea? Did Stephen fixed it?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Phil
>>>>> Quote S. Woodbridge:
>>>>> Hi Frank,
>>>>> Adding more to to the malloc fixed the crash, but the regex is failing
>>>>> :( and should be ok:
>>>>> Breakpoint 1, msEvalRegex (e=0x4e9873 "\\.map$",
>>>>>      s=0x7232a0 "/u/data/maps/google-agg.map") at mapfile.c:79
>>>>> ...
>>>>> 89        if(ms_regexec(&re, s, 0, NULL, 0) != 0) { /* no match */
>>>>> (gdb) p ms_regexec(&re, s, 0, 0, 0)
>>>>> $1 = 1
>>>>> (gdb) c
>>>>> Continuing.
>>>>> Content-type: text/html
>>>>> <HTML>
>>>>> <HEAD><TITLE>MapServer Message</TITLE></HEAD>
>>>>> <!-- MapServer version 5.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG
>>>>> msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String
>>>>> (/u/data/maps/google-agg.map) failed expression test.
>>>>> </BODY></HTML>
>>>>> Program exited normally.
>>>>> This should NOT be happening. Arrrgh!
>>>>> Anyone else using fc8 on a x86_84 box?
>>>>> -Steve
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> -- 
> Daniel Morissette
> http://www.mapgears.com/
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> mapserver-users mailing list
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