[mapserver-users] Hacking PROJ4...

Yvan Calcagni yvan.calcagni at voila.fr
Fri Aug 8 04:05:25 PDT 2008

Hi everybody,

for my own developments, I set up a wms server serving data in both EPSG:4326 (wgs84) and EPSG:27582. And as these 2 projections are not based on the same meridian, the lat/lon bounding box are always false even if the EPSG:27582 BBOX goes well. So I need to override the EPSG:4326 by adding this parameter : +pm=-2.33722917. I tried to change this in the epsg file (/usr/local/share/proj/epsg) but it failed, so I tried to change this in the source file and recompile Proj4 but nothing happened too.

So, is there a way to do this, or anything else to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance for your answers.



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