[MAPSERVER-USERS] fseek dbf error while importing shapefile in postgres

Gregor Mosheh gregor at hostgis.com
Tue Aug 19 07:59:19 PDT 2008

Ritesh Ambastha wrote:
> fseek(-1035313584) failed on DBF file.
> What can be the problem? What should be checked in the DBF for these kind of
> errors?

Are you positive that the DBF was uploaded correctly? The first thing I 
would suspect is that I FTPd it in ASCII mode, or only got half of the 
file uploaded. Check the DBF and make sure it's the right size and 
md5sum, is my advice.

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth, BS, A+
System Administrator
HostGIS cartographic development & hosting services

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  only if you can restore." - AMANDA

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