[mapserver-users] Using space in layer's name?

kreshna_iceheart at yahoo.com kreshna_iceheart at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 20 01:40:18 EDT 2008

I'm using MapServer 5.0.2.

I have two layers: the first is named "jaringan ipal dan iplt" (layer name contains space character), while the second is named "jaringan_telepon" (does not contain space).

I am using the [layers] parameter to dynamically pass my layers to another template for printing purpose. Alas, because one layer contains space, that particular layer is not passed at all. Here is the contents of the [layers] parameter:


The layer "jaringan_telepon" is displayed correctly, but the layer "jaringan ipal dan iplt" fails to display, because MapServer takes the space character (%20) as delimiter.

I tried to use the parameter [layers_esc] instead, and here is the contents of the [layers_esc]:


Here, the layer "jaringan ipal dan iplt" still fails to display, because MapServer replaces the space with "+" (plus sign), which is also used as delimiter.

Thus, not even [layers_esc] allows us to use space character in layer's name. Is there any other way to use layer with space character in its name, then?



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