[mapserver-users] hdf projection

guolixia84 guolixia84 at 163.com
Wed Dec 3 00:07:33 PST 2008

 Hi ,
I use gdalinfo to get the metadata of subdataset of hdf. However there is not any projection information. And I use shp2img.exe to show my mapfile of hdf raster data, there is just a gray area with nothing image, I do not know how to write a correct mapfile of hdf, maybe the projection is the problem. I wonder how can I get the projection information or how can I write the correct mapfile. Part of my mapfile is as follows:
The map level of projection I do not know how to define, so I do not define it.
LAYER NAME preview 
"HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:\DATA\AMOD021KM20060726040600\AMOD021KM20060726040600.hdf:0"        #DATA 'meteopreview.tif'
        DUMP TRUE
        TYPE         RASTER
        PROCESSING   "BANDS=1"

# I do not know the projection               
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