[mapserver-users] Remove Layer based on layer Name C#

Venkat Rao Tammineni vtammineni at roulacglobal.com
Tue Dec 16 23:41:24 PST 2008

Dear Sir


     Can you please tell me how remove specific layer or at least clear the
layer form map. I can able to clear the layer based on index.but if I click
clear layer button again it is clearing whatever the 0 position next layer.


     For example  my map contains  the layers called  Continents and
countries and states  that is like 

0 ,1, 2 position. If I want to remove continents (0) that is in 0 position ,
if I use MapFunction.Map.removeLayer(0); , it is working fine. If I Click
the same button again countries will be the second position then the country
layer is removing .but I want to remove single layer.


  protected void btnClearPointLayer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)








Is it Possible every time  same layer removable(dynamically the same layer
will be adding).


I am waiting for your great response.


Advanced Thanks





From: Tamas Szekeres [mailto:szekerest at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:03 PM
To: Venkat Rao Tammineni
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Remove Layer based on layer Name C#



How about doing this?

layer = MapFunction.Map.getLayerByName("PointLayer");


Best regards,


2008/12/16 Venkat Rao Tammineni <vtammineni at roulacglobal.com>

     Dear All,


                I want remove layer based on Layer Name.Now I Can able to
remove layer based on index.Is it possible to do.


layer = MapFunction.Map.getLayerByName("PointLayer");






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