[mapserver-users] ogr2ogr hangs converting e00 files

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Dec 23 08:45:15 PST 2008

Arthur A. Person wrote:
> Hi...
> I'm trying to convert .e00 international boundary files into shapefile 
> format using ogr2ogr, but when I run the conversion, ogr2ogr just hangs 
> and hogs the processor.  Here's the details:
> OS:  RH Linux 4.7 (2.6.9-78.0.8.ELsmp)
> gdal:  1.5.1 basic
> command: ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" bound.shp bound.e00
> output:
>   ERROR 6: Can't create fields of type IntegerList on shapefile layers.
>   ERROR 6: Can't create fields of type IntegerList on shapefile layers.
>   (then hangs hogging the processor...)
> Even though ogr2ogr hangs, it still produces a bunch of files including 
> a bound.shp file.  However, when I try to display that file using 
> mapserver, it just produces a blank screen.
> output from ogrinfo for bound.e00:
>   Had to open data source read-only.
>   INFO: Open of `bound.e00'
>         using driver `AVCBin' successful.
>   1: ARC (Line String)
>   2: CNT (Point)
>   3: LAB (Point)
>   4: PAL (Polygon)
> The bound.e00 file I'm using for testing is the North American Atlas 
> political boundaries file from nationalatlas.gov.
> On a related note, does anyone know whether an open source file of 
> international political/land boundaries exists that would save me the 
> work of trying to combine a bunch of individual files together?  I've 
> searched high and low and can't seem to find anything...
>                      Thanks...
>                        Art

I don't believe e00 write access is supported by OGR 
(http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_avce00.html), so I would use the AVCE00 
library (http://avce00.maptools.org/avce00/index.html) to convert to 
coverage and then ogr2ogr to shapefile.

happy holidays all.

Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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