[mapserver-users] Advice for MapServer project

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Tue Feb 26 11:20:28 PST 2008


This is an excellent project for GeoMoose to act as the mapping engine 
for.  It's precisely the sort of thing that the GeoMoose client 
framework was designed for.   You can set up GeoMoose fairly quickly for 
the mapping aspects, and the overlay pieces can be added on with some 
custom work by yourself via additional services.

I know the developers would love to see this type of project move 
forward, because it's come up a few times in discussions already, 
there's just not been a willing client participation in getting it 
going.  I deally it would be nice to get a reusable system/service in 
place for something like this.

The Overlay aspects could be done in a generic fashion for reuse, but 
these types of things tend to be very business specific when it comes to 
the reporting, so it's not something that has taken off (yet).

Take a look at GeoMoose, it should reduce the overall effort once you 
get by the setup learning curve of MapServer and GeoMoose.


Timothy Mashford wrote:
> Hi list, I am after some advice on how best to achieve a MapServer
> project. I am a GIS professional (mainly MapInfo Pro), and I do a lot
> of MapBasic programming, however I have limited experience with
> Python, JavaScript, Java, VB and C.
> My project is a Crime Mapping system where the user first selects a
> Date Range of interest, and then views several thematic layers (crime,
> traffic accidents etc) over standard base layers (roads, parks etc).
> It will also require an address search function for navigation.
> I am thinking that dbox.js would be a good interface, providing
> suitable pan/zoom/query functions + layer control. The crime data
> could be stored in PostGIS, also the address point data for searching.
> The base layers would be updated only occasionally, so could be stored
> as ShapeFiles for speedy rendering. And MapServer could be controlled
> with Python MapScript.
> So my question is: does all this sound suitable?? It will require me
> to spend a bit of time learning more Python, JavaScript and
> PostgreSQL, so I want to make sure I'm heading in the righ direction
> before I devote too much effort!
> Any advice would be very much appreciated.
> Tim Mashford.
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