WFS request options

Josh Livni mailing_lists at UMBRELLACONSULTING.COM
Fri Jan 4 06:58:56 PST 2008

This doesn't answer you question exactly, but have you considered using 
a WMS getFeatureInfo request instead?  Then you can use a simple 
template.html to decide which attributes you want to return for later 

I've done this a few times myself with Google Maps.


nelson guda wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an odd request regarding WFS capabilities.  Is it possible to 
> have a WFS mapserver request return gml results without the geometry 
> data?
> I know that this seems odd, but it makes sense for what I am doing.  I 
> am using a WMS overlay to serve tiles for a large dataset to an 
> overlay on google maps.  In order to query specific polygons from that 
> dataset (a shapefile), I am using a WFS GetFeature request.  All I 
> need is the id and other parameters of the feature, but not the 
> geometry data (because it is already there from the WMS.  Right now I 
> am just parsing out the info I need from the gml at the server level, 
> but it would be much faster if I could get the WFS to return only the 
> feature info minus the geometry data.  Is this possible?
> Thanks, and thanks for your previous help.
> nelson

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