OpenGIS for Mac - Recommendations?

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Thu Jan 10 23:42:22 PST 2008

Stefan Schwarzer wrote
>Hi there,
>But for the ArcMap-style GIS software: what can you recommend? Nice  
>GUI? With a couple of functions, like buffer, editing, reprojecting...

OpenJUMP is lightweight and looks and feels nice and runs on Mac.  Nice GUI for my mind, and has quite a nice set of topologigal functions from Java Topology Suite. Rather good for editing. Reprojecting - no. No problems with WMS.  WFS plugin reads well WFS 1.0 delivered by GeoServer and gives menu based tools for creating spatial and attribute filters for WFS requests.  WFS plugin has issues with MapServer WFS but works still somehow.  With deegree WFS server it should support both WFS 1.0 and 1.1 including WFS-T, but I have not tested that myself.
OpenJUMP has obviously originally developed for editing and correcting vector data and not for all-purpose GIS tool. As such it is not full-featured even there are plugins giving additional capabilities.  The basic work OpenJUMP does well.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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