[mapserver-users] Ref: Highlight the selected area on mousemove byOpenLayer

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Jul 3 06:58:35 PDT 2008

I don't know that highlighting on move will work. It will take MapServer too long
to render each map to keep up with the mouse. You might consider doing so only
when the mouse pauses/hovers for a specified amount of time. OL has a hover
control that can help with this. If, for example, you had an OL layer that was only
responsible for the highlight then you could update it based on the coordinate where
the mouse paused. The highlight layer would be a query map (mode=querymap). I'm
not sure how you'd change the mode that the MapServer OL layer sends to MapServer.

Anyway, you would pass that coordinate in as an option to the MapServer layer by 
changing the mapext and mapxy params to match the current OL mapext and the
hover coordinate.

An idea anyway, assuming you can alter the mode in the OL layer...


>>> "Prasad B" <prasad.b at iworktech.com> 07/03/08 8:46 AM >>>

i  developing one MAPSERVER Application Using C# MapScript,
i have Successfully implemented the OpenLayer JavaScript with it.
Now i want to add functionality on mouse move  to highlight the area where
mouse is move.
so can u help me how i can highlight region by OpenLayer .

waiting for your Usefull reply.

Thanks & Regards,

Prasad A. Bhale
iWork Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Visit us: www.iworktech.com

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