[mapserver-users] Map Rendering With GeoMoose

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Thu Jul 3 11:50:43 PDT 2008

Ok, that's what I thought on the scaling of the image, the service is not giving up an image for some reason at the lower scale level (where the points get pixelated {after image]) or GeoMoose is not making the request for some reason.  Mapserver should serve up a new image for each zoom level, even if there is a MINSCALE/MAXSCALE setting in the MAPFILE.   You would just get a blank image if the view was out of range.  So something is going wrong here somewhere.
Unfortunately, the next testing steps I would pursue would be to run a couple of sample requests directly against the MapServer to see if the problem is with MapServer or GeoMoose.  If MapServer returns the image, then it's GeoMoose config problem, other wise it's a MapFile config, or MapServer problem.  The scale settings in the MapFile may have something to do with this as well.  Seeing the MapFile might shed some light on a possible mis-config.
Do you know how to use FireBug in FireFox (Best combination of tools for debugging IMO).   Firebug will show you all the requests that are going on between the client and server and allow you to test the calls one at a time.  It's either that route, or I'll (we'll) need to have access to the server results in an online mode to help further.

>>> "John Beck" <beckjoh at knology.net> wrote:
THanks for your response.  I think you are correct about the update problem.  I had to put the "scale" variable in just to get it to zoom correctly.  Here are the screen shots.  My application is not online yet.  Do you think this could be a lat long problem i.e. not enough precision?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bob Basques ( mailto:Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us ) 
To: John Beck ( mailto:beckjoh at knology.net ) ; mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org 
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Map Rendering With GeoMoose

It sounds like you are describing the image stretching action that GeoMoose performs while it is waiting for a response from the server with a new image.  GeoMoose will stretch or shrink the current image(s) rather than leave a blank screen for the user while it waits for the new image to be retrieved from MapServer.  There may be a update problem occurring somewhere.
Is your Application available online?  It would help on the list to see what you see.  Even a before and after screenshot would help.

>>> "John Beck" <beckjoh at knology.net> wrote:
Hello list, I hope someone can help me.
I am trying to use GeoMoose 1.4 on Apache with MS4W.  I also use IE for my browser.

I have successfully loaded x,y data from MySql. I use the standared circle "ellipse" symbol. 
NAME 'circle'

In other MapServer applications, (p.mapper, jbox, and Chameleon) when I zoom into the points a nice series of small rounded points are shown. In GeoMoose, when I zoom into a series of points the points look more like large raster blocks and they are all merged together.  In fact they are not even round.

My data are in Lat Long, units dd. Do you think it could be a precision issue or coordinate issue? I notice in the coordinate bar that the decimal places only go 2 values. This data is at least 6 decimals places and the points are close together however other mapserver applications can display the data fine. Should I first convert to UTM? Could this be a mode = map vs. mode = browse issue?  Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated. I would like to use GeoMoose but this could be a show stopper.

Thanks in advance.


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