[mapserver-users] New limitations with mapserver 5 CGI

Graeme Watmuff gwatmuff at geographicweb.com.au
Wed Jul 9 21:23:07 PDT 2008

It has become apparent through some frustrating moments of trial and
error that many of the mapfile variables that were changeable via URL
with mapserver 4.10.x CGI seem no longer changeable with v5.x or 5.2.x.
There is a hint from the docs that this is because of security concerns?
Our java apps don't allow web users to directly interact with the CGI,
so security doesn't seem so important in our case.

Some examples:

map_web_metadata='text1' 'text2'

allow changes to the mapfile via URL with mapserver 4.10.x

Following the new syntax specified for v5 + I had expected

map_web=metadata+"'text1' 'text2'" or maybe

to all perform in the time-honoured way.

Only 'data' could be changed with this new mapserver 5 syntax. I
happened to discover through the change logs that changing tileindex was
reinstated for mapserver 5 CGI, but using the old mapserver 4.10 syntax
(map_layerName_tileindex)=<tileindex.shp> - not the new mapserver 5
syntax style (map_layer[layerName]=tileindex+<tileindex.shp>).

mapserv 5 CGI throws an error (Parsing error near (filter)) when the new
syntax is used for filter and ignores the old 4.10 filter syntax.

No URL syntax for changing the web object's metadata content appears
acceptable to the mapserver 5. 

I would dearly like to see changing the layer filter via URL restored
also to mapserver 5. And the web object's metadata setting functionality

Can anyone indicate what mapfile properties are or are not going to be
reinstated in mapserver 5 compared to mapserver 4 for change via URL?
Obviously this has development ramifications for us when we try to
upgrade mapserver.

Alternatively, am I missing something with new mapserver 5 syntax?

Graeme Watmuff

Graeme Watmuff
Geographic Web Solutions Pty Ltd
17 Tay Road
South Australia  5072
ph:  + 61 8 83364463

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