[mapserver-users] Problems with Postgres table's name in LAYER'S DATA

Maher Karim Maher_Karim at dorsch.com.jo
Tue Jul 22 09:38:45 PDT 2008

Dear Carlos,

Try the following
Data 'the_geom FROM "001_street_names" using unique gid'

Do not forget to check the table permission.

Maher Abdel Karim

|         |           Carlos Ruiz                 |
|         |           <boolean10001 at yahoo.com>    |
|         |           Sent by:                    |
|         |           mapserver-users-bounces at list|
|         |           s.osgeo.org                 |
|         |                                       |
|         |                                       |
|         |           07/22/2008 07:24 PM         |
|         |           Please respond to           |
|         |           boolean10001                |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |
  |        To:      MAPSERVER USERS <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>                                                                                |
  |        cc:                                                                                                                                       |
  |        Subject: [mapserver-users] Problems with Postgres table's name in LAYER'S  DATA                                                           |

 Hi all,                                                                    
 I have several tables wich begins with 0 or 1 like 001_street_names. I     
 don't know how to                                                          
 handle it within DATA, because specifying "the_geom FROM 001_street_names" 
 So, it must be written as "the_geom FROM "001_street_names"" but the       
 parser complains, is there a way to handle this ?                          
 Thanks in advance                                                          
 IC Carlos Ruiz                                                             

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