[MAPSERVER-USERS] Linux installation

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Thu Mar 6 11:33:24 PST 2008

Hi rich,
thanks for your comments.

for a production server I could have suggested Debian stable, but I 
really haven't yet had any problems with testing...
But to be on the safe side (eg for a production server), you are right; 
take Debian stable :-)

About the postgis package, currently testing has postgresql-8.3, but not 
yet a postgresql-8.3-postgis package. If someone can confirm it's just 
usable with 8.3 that would be fine. Using apt-get postgresql-postgis 
appears to return me the 8.1 version, or a 'nothing found warning' on 
different machines.
To be sure that this cookbook was working I did the 8.2 version (thereby 
taking 8.2 and some debian warning message into account). I was trying 
it during the writing on a freshly installed server, to check everything.

I will try to update instructions accordingly in the future.

Richard Duivenvoorde

rich.fromm wrote:
> Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
>> I just wrote a quick and dirty cookbook howto for debian:
>> http://www.duif.net/postgis
> I also run mapserver on debian (though etch and sarge, not lenny; and build
> from source, not install mapserver dpkgs).  Glancing at your notes, I have
> one minor comment:
> On your apt-get install line, why specifically "postgresql-8.2-postgis" ? 
> Imho, it's better in general not to specify the version unless you have a
> specific need for a specific version, and instead just let the packaging
> system pick what is the most appropriate version.  So unless there's a
> specific need, I would ammend that to say simply "postgresql-postgis".  That
> way your instructions are a bit generic, and if someone is trying them in
> the future on some other distribution where that maps to a different
> version, they're not constrained to a specific version (there might be
> something later, or maybe 8.2 isn't even available for their distribution).
> Unless, of course, there's some reason that you really need that particular
> version.  (Although on etch and sarge I'm using 8.1 implicitly and all is
> fine.)
> Also, if someone is brand new to linux, I might first suggest a released,
> stable distribution (sarge), and not one that's only available in testing.
> - Rich

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