[MAPSERVER-USERS] labels longer than feature are bold

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Mar 30 13:29:21 PDT 2008


I do not think EXTENT is allowable in the LAYER object only in the MAP 
object. It is not documented in the online doc and I'm surprised that it 
is not throwing an error. Not that this has anything to do with your 
question. But it is probably a good practice to move it or remove it.

-Steve W

DNC wrote:
> Hi.
> Has anyone seen this effect? While labeling roads, if the text steps outside
> the road feature the label is drawn in what seems to be a bolder font...
> like it's being drawn twice with a small offset.
> If I set an outline color than the effect disappears. But I'd like to avoid
> the outline color if possible.
> Labels are drawn with an annotation layer like this:
>   LAYER 
>     NAME 'Labels'
>     LABELREQUIRES "[Roads]"
>     CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
>     CONNECTION 'host=virt1 user=postgres password=gaevith dbname=postgis'
>     DATA 'the_geom from roads using unique gid'
>       'init=epsg:27492'
>     END
>     EXTENT -23893.143277 -173568.018533 62541.864515 -70038.622014
>     LABELITEM "text field"  
>     CLASS
>       NAME 'Labels' 
>       LABEL 
>         SIZE 5
>         TYPE truetype
>         FONT verdana
>         COLOR 0 0 0
>         ANGLE follow
>         POSITION auto
>         MINDISTANCE 200
>       END 
>     END
>   END
> Thanks.
> Duarte

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