[mapserver-users] finding php_mapserver.so

Kyle Wilcox Kyle.Wilcox at noaa.gov
Thu May 1 08:32:19 PDT 2008

After you run configure, compile mapserver:

]$  make

You should see something like this at the end:

make[1]: Entering directory `/mapserver/directory/mapscript/php3'
g++ -shared   -o php_mapscript.so php_mapscript_util.o php_mapscript.o 
mapscript_i.o php_regex.o  -L/mapserver/directory -lmapserver -ltiff 
-ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11  -ljpeg -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd 
-ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11  -lc -lz   -lm -lstdc++
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mapserver/directory/mapscript/php3'

]$ ls mapscript/php3/php_mapscript.so

If it isn't there, go into the mapscript/php3 directory and type:

]$ make clean && make

If that doesn't work it is beyond my knowledge!  I just know what I've 
read in the documentation.

Tim McGeary wrote:
> I did specify the --with-php=DIR as --with-php=/usr/include/php/
> Here's the output of the configure script for the PHP/Mapscript:
> configure: checking for PHP/MapScript module options...
> checking for g++ -shared ... yes
> checking for location of config.h or php_config.h... 
> /usr/include/php//main/php_config.h
> checking whether we have PHP3 or PHP4... -DPHP4
> checking whether we should use PHP's regex... yes
>    found regex_extra.h - building PHP MapScript with PHP's bundled regex
>    PHP/MapScript module configured.
> checking if --enable-runpath requested... no
> checking if --with-java-include-os-name specified... no, autodetected linux
> configure: creating ./config.status
> config.status: creating Makefile
> config.status: creating mapscript/php3/Makefile
> config.status: creating mapscript/java/Makefile
> config.status: creating mapscript/csharp/Makefile
> MapServer is now configured for
>  -------------- Compiler Info -------------
>   C compiler:                gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall
>   C++ compiler:              g++ -O2 -fPIC -Wall
>   Debug:                      -DNEED_NONBLOCKING_STDERR
>   Generic NINT:
>   Threading support:
>  -------------- Renderer Settings ---------
>   zlib support:
>   png support:
>   jpeg support:              -DUSE_JPEG
>   iconv support:             -DUSE_ICONV
>   AGG support:
>   AGG Freetype support:
>   Ming(flash) support:
>   PDFLib support:
>  -------------- Data Format Drivers -------
>   native tiff support:       -DUSE_TIFF
>   PostGIS support:
>   Proj.4 support:
>   EPPL7 support:             -DUSE_EPPL
>   ArcSDE support:
>   OGR support:
>   GDAL support:
>   GEOS support:
>   Oracle Spatial support:
>   FastCGI support:
>  -------------- OGC Services --------------
>   WMS Server:
>   WMS Client:
>   WFS Server:
>   WFS Client:
>   WCS Server:
>   SOS Server:
>  -------------- MapScript -----------------
>   PHP MapScript:             yes
> FYI, I'm running PHP 5.1.6
> Tim
> Tim McGeary
> Senior Systems Specialist
> Lehigh University
> 610-758-4998
> tim.mcgeary at lehigh.edu
> Google Talk: timmcgeary
> Yahoo IM: timmcgeary
> Kyle Wilcox wrote:
>> Did you specify the --with-php=DIR?
>> DIR is obviously the directory of the php version you want to use.
>> Step through the output from ./configure and see what it says about 
>> PHP/Mapscript.  I think it is towards the end.
>> Tim McGeary wrote:
>>> No, it isn't there.  I did a:
>>>    find / -name php_mapscript.so
>>> and it came up with nothing.  So it isn't on the server at all.  Yes, 
>>> I did install Mapserver from source.
>>> Here's what is in mapscript/php3
>>> [root at rust php3]# pwd
>>> /usr/local/mapserver-5.0.2/mapscript/php3
>>> [root at rust php3]# ls -l
>>> total 716
>>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   4096 Jan 28 10:56 examples
>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root   2103 Jul 26  2004 hashtable_i.c
>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root   4344 Apr 29 15:37 Makefile
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   3770 Jun 11  2007 Makefile.in
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   2097 Feb 14  2006 Makefile.vc
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  34328 Aug 16  2007 mapscript_i.c
>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root   1049 Feb 14  2006 nmake.opt
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 502728 Jan  8 12:04 php_mapscript.c
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  16760 Aug 16  2007 php_mapscript.h
>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root  17046 Jun 15  2007 php_mapscript_util.c
>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root   7450 Jun 15  2007 php_mapscript_util.h
>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root  25958 Jun 14  2005 php_proj.c
>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root root   3103 Jul 23  2007 php_regex.c
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  68315 Jan  8 12:04 README
>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   3821 Jun 21  2001 README.WIN32
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tim
>>> Tim McGeary
>>> Senior Systems Specialist
>>> Lehigh University
>>> 610-758-4998
>>> tim.mcgeary at lehigh.edu
>>> Google Talk: timmcgeary
>>> Yahoo IM: timmcgeary
>>> Kyle Wilcox wrote:
>>>> If you installed Mapserver from source with the  ---with-php=DIR 
>>>> option and everything went ok, the php_mapscript.so file will be 
>>>> located in the mapscript/php3/ directory.  Copy this file to your 
>>>> PHP extensions directory.   You can find the extensions directory by 
>>>> doing a ]$ php -i | grep extension_dir.
>>>> You may want to rename php_mapscript.so to something like 
>>>> php_mapscript_MAPSERVERVERSION.so.
>>>> There a setting in the pmapper config files called msVersion.  You 
>>>> must set this to MAPSERVERSION if you change the name of the file.
>>>> Tim McGeary wrote:
>>>>> So our installation of Mapserver, in combination, with PMapper, we 
>>>>> are getting an error that it cannot find php_mapserver.so.  While I 
>>>>> configured Mapserver to work with PHP, and it went through fine, I 
>>>>> cannot find the php_mapserver.so file anywhere on my server.
>>>>> Was it supposed to be delivered in the mapserver package?  If so, 
>>>>> where would it have gone?  If not, where can I find it?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Tim
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  Kyle Wilcox
  NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
  410 Severn Avenue
  Suite 107A
  Annapolis, MD 21403
  office: (410) 295-3151
  Kyle.Wilcox at noaa.gov

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