[mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript library question

Brant Anderson rabrant at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 16:28:10 PST 2008

Does anyone know what the minimal files for using mapscript is? If I
compiled the PHP/Mapscript library, would I need any other mapserv files for
it to work? I would like to do experiments with Ruby and mapscript. I was
thinking of experimenting with the Ruby/GNOME2 libraries and Mapscript. I
won't nessisarily be making anything functional in the tests. I thought it
would be a good way to get involved in the mapserver scene again. I haven't
toyed with Mapserver since version 4.2.

My goal will be to build a stand alone Gnome mapping application that
doesn't require a web-server using the U of M Mapserver as the mapping

Feedback welcome,
~Brant Ryan Anderson
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