November 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Nov 1 05:15:02 PDT 2008
Ending: Sun Nov 30 21:26:32 PST 2008
Messages: 372
- [mapserver-users] AGG and cartoline trap
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] AGG and cartoline trap
Raivo Alla
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] ms4w installation
Ritesh Ambastha
- [mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript library question
Brant Anderson
- [mapserver-users] Matching .TFW file with EXTENT parameter?
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Status of Postscript support in MapServer
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] mapserver on Centos?
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Documentation for serving large raster images using tile cache.
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Just starting out...
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Would like to flesh out Python mapscript page
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Would like to flesh out Python mapscript page
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Ubuntu libpdf support for Mapserver
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Re: [gdal-dev] Can I change SOURCE_EXTRA setting at compile time?
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] SLD not rendered correctly
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] SLD not rendered correctly
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Documentation for serving large raster imagesusing tile cache.
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] GeoMoose 1.6.1 Released
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] boundingboxes
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Using Google's Directions from MapServer
Bistrais, Bob
- [mapserver-users] White screen after editing mapfile
"Constanze Blübaum"
- [mapserver-users] White screen after editing mapfile
"Constanze Blübaum"
- [mapserver-users] White screen after editing mapfile
"Constanze Blübaum"
- [mapserver-users] help
Attila Borbás
- [mapserver-users] The browser can't display the rendered image
Attila Borbás
- [mapserver-users] The browser can't display the rendered image
Attila Borbás
- [mapserver-users] Downloadable version of mailing-lists
Ad Brouwer
- [mapserver-users] WCS time support bugs
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] WCS time support bugs
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] WCS time support bugs
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] White screen after editing mapfile
- [mapserver-users] White screen after editing mapfile
- [mapserver-users] float raster
- [mapserver-users] WFS server testing
- [mapserver-users] The browser can't display the rendered image
- [mapserver-users] SQL for Point-Centroid
- [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Howard Butler
- [mapserver-users] Would like to flesh out Python mapscript page
Howard Butler
- [mapserver-users] UTF-8 + SDE + GetfeatureInfo
Howard Butler
- [mapserver-users] Re: php mapscript objects in session?
Howard Butler
- [mapserver-users] Confirmation of status of UTF8 support, and where transcoding to Latin-1 may be happening.
Howard Butler
- [mapserver-users] theme on the fly with mapserver
Giuseppe Campagna
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Jackey Cheung
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Jackey Cheung
- [mapserver-users] Arabic labeling problem again?!!!
Jackey Cheung
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Jackey Cheung
- [mapserver-users] Problem making mapserv on Linux with fribidi
Jackey Cheung
- Fwd: [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Jackey Cheung
- Fwd: [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Jackey Cheung
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript objects in session?
Christopher Condit
- [mapserver-users] Re: php mapscript objects in session?
Christopher Condit
- [mapserver-users] PHP/MapScript - Export SLD
Daniel Degasperi
- [mapserver-users] SLD not rendered correctly
Daniel Degasperi
- [mapserver-users] SLD not rendered correctly
Daniel Degasperi
- [mapserver-users] SLD not rendered correctly
Daniel Degasperi
- [mapserver-users] LABELREQUIRES Recursion Errors
Megan DiBiase
- [mapserver-users] Re: LABELREQUIRES Recursion Errors
Megan DiBiase
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver WFS, Intersect and projection
Sture Dingsøyr
- [mapserver-users] SQL for Point-Centroid
Sture Dingsøyr
- [mapserver-users] FW: Mapserver 5.2 build for ArcSDE 9.1
Douville, Michelle R ILMB:EX
- [mapserver-users] failed expression test
Dowling, James Parker
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [mapserver-users] mapserver nabble
Edmondo Elisei
- AW: [mapserver-users] boundingboxes
Elstermann, Mike
- [mapserver-users] Problem with Python Mapscript / Projection(MS4W)
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] Problem with Python Mapscript / Projection(MS4W) + new question
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] ms4w with MapServer Demo...
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] float raster
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] C# mapscript: create features programmatically
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] The browser can't display the rendered image
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] The browser can't display the rendered image
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type "annotation".
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript objects in session?
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type"annotation".
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type"annotation".
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript objects in session?
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] Re: php mapscript objects in session?
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] How to add point based on User interaction using C#
Pietro Giannini
- [mapserver-users] GDAL and SDE raster
Liz Godwin
- [mapserver-users] GDAL and SDE raster
Liz Godwin
- [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Liz Godwin
- [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Liz Godwin
- [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Liz Godwin
- [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Liz Godwin
- [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Liz Godwin
- [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Ron Goldman
- [mapserver-users] Pan in javascript
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] Get the actual mode of the map
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] Get the actual mode of the map
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] Changing tolerance and toleranceunits at the same time.
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] RE: Changing tolerance and toleranceunits at the same time.
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] Using pixels in TOLERANCEUNITS
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] Using pixels in TOLERANCEUNITS
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] Using pixels in TOLERANCEUNITS
Rui Gomes
- [mapserver-users] Is it possible to take the last 3 chars from a string as labelitem
I-Real - Rob ter Haar
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
TC Haddad
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
TC Haddad
- [mapserver-users] getting field names using mapscript
Nicol Hermann
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver segfaulting
Sam Ingarfield
- [mapserver-users] Problem with Python Mapscript / Projection (MS4W)
Christian Jauvin
- [mapserver-users] Problem with Python Mapscript / Projection (MS4W)
Christian Jauvin
- [mapserver-users] Cannot register on MS site
Christian Jauvin
- [mapserver-users] Problem with Python Mapscript / Projection(MS4W) + new question
Christian Jauvin
- [mapserver-users] Getteing the intersection of two layers
Christian Jauvin
- [mapserver-users] install ms4w
Rahkonen Jukka
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] installation error
Rahkonen Jukka
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] ms4w installation
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type"annotation".
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] If any one has PDF of mapser book... plll send
Vikas KM
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2 make error: " yes: invalid option -- f "
Eduardo Kanegae
- [mapserver-users] grayscale images using classgroups
Martin Kofahl
- [mapserver-users] grayscale images using classgroups
Martin Kofahl
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver doesn't compile for WMS/WFS clientsupport
Kralidis,Tom [Ontario]
Kralidis,Tom [Ontario]
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Hiding WMS layers
Pål Kristensen
Pål Kristensen
Pål Kristensen
Pål Kristensen
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Features not displayed if LABELITEM is null
Philippe Kruschitz
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Features not displayed if LABELITEM is null
Philippe Kruschitz
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Setting offset on a symbol within STYLE
Philippe Kruschitz
John Kummun
- [mapserver-users] WFS server testing
John Kummun
- [mapserver-users] Re: AW: [OpenLayers-Users] Projection Problem
- [mapserver-users] Map Labels Problem
- [mapserver-users] Map Labels Problem
- [mapserver-users] loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp):(line 1)
Barend Köbben
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem TEMPLATE to use getfeatureinfo.html
Richard LEHAUT
- [mapserver-users] RE: Problem TEMPLATE to use getfeatureinfo.html
Richard LEHAUT
- [mapserver-users] Problem TRANSPARENT LAYER OPTION
Richard LEHAUT
- [Mapserver-Users] Problem TEMPLATE to use getfeatureinfo.html
Richard Lehaut
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic SQL
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] failed expression test
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] mapserver nabble
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Browse mode
Steve Lime
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Features not displayed if LABELITEM is null
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] getting field names using mapscript
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Getteing the intersection of two layers
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Get the actual mode of the map
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Using pixels in TOLERANCEUNITS
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Using pixels in TOLERANCEUNITS
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] dBox - Hide mapfile source
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] dBox - Hide mapfile source
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Is it possible to take the last 3 chars from astring as labelitem
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] setting variables in cgi-bin callout
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] LABELREQUIRES Recursion Errors
Steve Lime
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver legend is never transparent
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] filtering features of layer by quarries inattribute table
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] map mode for ajax calls
Dan Little
- [mapserver-users] perl mapscript [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Justyna Lubkowski
- Re: [mapserver-users] GDAL and SDE raster
Lucena, Ivan
- Re: [mapserver-users] Re: GDAL and SDE raster
Lucena, Ivan
- [mapserver-users] SLD not rendered correctly
Léveillé, James
- [mapserver-users] Call for Papers - AAG 2009
Alex Mandel
- [mapserver-users] Downloadable version of mailing-lists
Alex Mandel
- [mapserver-users] How to set SCALEBAR size and intervals in MapServer CGI >5.0?
John Maurer
- [mapserver-users] How to set SCALEBAR size and intervals in MapServer CGI >5.0?
John Maurer
- [mapserver-users] Re: How to set SCALEBAR size and intervals in MapServer CGI >5.0?
John Maurer
- [mapserver-users] install ms4w
Jeff McKenna
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] installation error
Jeff McKenna
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] ms4w installation
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Map Labels Problem
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Map Labels Problem
Jeff McKenna
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] installation problem
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] mapserver on Centos?
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Location of msplugin_sde_91.dll - solved
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp):(line 1)
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] ms4w with MapServer Demo...
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] White screen after editing mapfile
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] help
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Join to CSV
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] Confirmation of status of UTF8 support, and where transcoding to Latin-1 may be happening.
Russell McOrmond
- [mapserver-users] Confirmation of status of UTF8 support, and where transcoding to Latin-1 may be happening.
Russell McOrmond
- [mapserver-users] Documentation for serving large raster images using tile cache.
Asif Memon
- [mapserver-users] Documentation for serving large raster images using tile cache.
Asif Memon
- [mapserver-users] spatial filter to WFS server
Gabriel Messner
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type "annotation".
José María Michia
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type "annotation".
José María Michia
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type "annotation".
José María Michia
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type"annotation".
José María Michia
- [mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type"annotation".
José María Michia
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver legend is never transparent
Ivan Mincik
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] How to set SCALEBAR size and intervals in MapServer CGI >5.0?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Ubuntu libpdf support for Mapserver
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] help with WMS_LAYER_GROUP
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript QueryByAttributes & Rendering problem.
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2 make error: " yes: invalid option -- f "
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Re: php mapscript objects in session?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Symbology Exchange
Gregor Mosheh
- [mapserver-users] How to set SCALEBAR size and intervals in MapServer CGI >5.0?
Perry Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] filtering features of layer by quarries in attribute table
Oz Nahum
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] MS 5.2.0 and QUERYMAP Hilite
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] mapmygis.c
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] Problem with Python Mapscript / Projection (MS4W)
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] getting field names using mapscript
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] getting field names using mapscript
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver Thread Safety
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript objects in session?
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript objects in session?
Umberto Nicoletti
- [mapserver-users] AGG and cartoline trap
Christy Nieman
- [mapserver-users] AGG and cartoline trap
Christy Nieman
- [mapserver-users] Problem with Python Mapscript / Projection(MS4W) + new question
Brent Pedersen
- [mapserver-users] mapserver nabble
Carlo Pelliconi
- [mapserver-users] WCS time support bugs
Alexander Petkov
- [mapserver-users] WCS time support bugs
Alexander Petkov
- [mapserver-users] WCS time support bugs
Alexander Petkov
- [mapserver-users] GetCoverage and palette Geotiffs
Alexander Petkov
- [mapserver-users] help
Alexander Petkov
- [mapserver-users] GISVM - New version release
Ricardo Pinho
- [mapserver-users] Pan in javascript
Didrik Pinte
- [mapserver-users] mapserver on Centos?
Didrik Pinte
- [mapserver-users] dBox - Hide mapfile source
Richard Polk
- [mapserver-users] dBox - Hide mapfile source
Richard Polk
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Legend for a layer with filter
Subha Ramakrishnan
- [mapserver-users] mapmygis.c
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver doesn't compile for WMS/WFS client support
Carlos Ruiz
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver doesn't compile for WMS/WFS clientsupport
Carlos Ruiz
- [mapserver-users] Dynamic SQL
Denis Rykov
- [mapserver-users] Browse mode
Denis Rykov
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] point,polygon and line layers in single map file
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Pass parameters to mapfile
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Carmelo Saffioti
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Carmelo Saffioti
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Carmelo Saffioti
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Carmelo Saffioti
- [mapserver-users] Matching .TFW file with EXTENT parameter?
Robert Sanson
- [mapserver-users] Matching .TFW file with EXTENT parameter?
Robert Sanson
- [mapserver-users] Location of msplugin_sde_91.dll
Robert Sanson
- [mapserver-users] Location of msplugin_sde_91.dll - solved
Robert Sanson
- [mapserver-users] RESOLUTION problem
Andre Silva
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript C# threadsafety issue?
Nelson Soto
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver Thread Safety
Nelson Soto
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver Thread Safety
Nelson Soto
- [mapserver-users] Obama Campaign - Mapping voters with Mapserver, PostGIS and Openlayers
Nelson Soto
- [mapserver-users] Confirmation of status of UTF8 support, andwhere transcoding to Latin-1 may be happening.
Nelson Soto
- [mapserver-users] WFS server testing
Rafael Almeida Fernandez Soto
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Rafael Almeida Fernandez Soto
- [mapserver-users] Would like to flesh out Python mapscript page
Dane Springmeyer
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Dane Springmeyer
- [mapserver-users] mapserver on Centos?
Dave Stevens
- [mapserver-users] about Obtaing high performance in the map server response
Guillaume Sueur
- [mapserver-users] Documentation for serving large raster images using tile cache.
Guillaume Sueur
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript C# threadsafety issue?
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] buffer a point and select by buffer
Tamas Szekeres
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] installation error
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
Venkat Rao Tammineni
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] point, polygon and line layers in single map file
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] How to set SCALEBAR size and intervals in MapServer CGI >5.0?
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] If any one has PDF of mapser book... plll send
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] How to set SCALEBAR size and intervals in MapServer CGI >5.0?
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] Ask about point in mapserver
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] Obama Campaign - Mapping voters with Mapserver, PostGIS and Openlayers
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] How to add point based on User interaction using C#
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [mapserver-users] How to add point based on User interaction using C#
Venkat Rao Tammineni
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem TEMPLATE to use getfeatureinfo.html
- [mapserver-users] boundingboxes
Florian Thuerkow
- [mapserver-users] Getteing the intersection of two layers
Tiemens, Gerben
- [mapserver-users] Introducing Geo Challenge Grants
Karin Tuxen-Bettman
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] wms getfeatureinfo get multiple results back ?
Karsten Vennemann
- [mapserver-users] getting field names using mapscript
Jochen Wagner
- [mapserver-users] getting field names using mapscript
Jochen Wagner
- [mapserver-users] SQL for Point-Centroid
Jochen Wagner
- [mapserver-users] Just starting out...
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Just starting out...
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver segfaulting
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] UTF-8 + SDE + GetfeatureInfo
Chris Whitteker
- [mapserver-users] Join shapefile to csv
Heather Wirth
- [mapserver-users] Join to CSV
Heather Wirth
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] point,polygon and line layers in single map file
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] about Obtaing high performance in the map server response
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] about Obtaing high performance in the map server response
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Stephen Woodbridge
- Fwd: [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] ms4w with MapServer Demo...
Paul Yelk
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript QueryByAttributes & Rendering problem.
asd asd
- [mapserver-users] TRANSPARENCY PROBLEM
ntiamoah bernard
- [mapserver-users] AGG and cartoline trap
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
thomas bonfort
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] Pass parameters to mapfile
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Adding symbols on top of polyline elements
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver segfaulting
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2
thomas bonfort
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] ms4w (fastcgi) and oracle 10?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] /ignored-libmap/oracle10g/libmap.dll?
zach cruise
- [mapserver-users] about Obtaing high performance in the map server response
- [mapserver-users] Fw: about Obtaing high performance in the map server response using Mapserver and postgis
- [mapserver-users] about Obtaing high performance in the map server response
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Chris h
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Chris h
- [mapserver-users] install issues
Chris h
- [mapserver-users] help with WMS_LAYER_GROUP
Steve.Toutant at
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript + google maps layer?
Paul james
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] installation error
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] installation error
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] ms4w installation
- [mapserver-users] loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp):(line 1)
le nho luu
- [mapserver-users] map mode for ajax calls
nikos at
- [mapserver-users] map mode for ajax calls
nikos at
- [mapserver-users] map mode for ajax calls
nikos at
- [mapserver-users] Preparing/modifying a querymap for further zoom/pan operations...
nikos at
- [mapserver-users] Ask about point in mapserver
vinh nguyenquang
- [mapserver-users] (no subject)
vinh nguyenquang
- [mapserver-users] Downloadable version of mailing-lists
bartvde at
- [mapserver-users] spatial filter to WFS server
bartvde at
- [mapserver-users] spatial filter to WFS server
bartvde at
- [mapserver-users] If any one has PDF of mapser book... plll send
bartvde at
- [mapserver-users] theme on the fly with mapserver
bartvde at
- [mapserver-users] How to add point based on User interaction using C#
bartvde at
- [mapserver-users] buffer a point and select by buffer
william paul
- [mapserver-users] Tracking vehicles, Displaying positions
pcreso at
- [mapserver-users] png files with bbox
zhao peisheng
- [mapserver-users] Geometry scaling question
Dejan.Gambin at
- [mapserver-users] draw dynamic symbols on one layer
- [mapserver-users] setting variables in cgi-bin callout
jacob rodel
- [mapserver-users] I am trying to return Lat, longs. The x, y coords r...
jacob rodel
- [mapserver-users] query template won't execute php
Jim.Haug at
- [mapserver-users] Preparing/modifying a querymap for furtherzoom/pan operations...
Jim.Haug at
- [mapserver-users] Just starting out...
- [mapserver-users] Just starting out...
- [mapserver-users] Just starting out...
- [mapserver-users] ms4w with MapServer Demo...
- [MAPSERVER-USERS] installation problem
- [mapserver-users] Obama Campaign - Mapping voters with Mapserver, PostGIS and Openlayers
karsten vennemann
- [mapserver-users] Re: php mapscript objects in session?
jim white
- [mapserver-users] Re: php mapscript objects in session?
jim white
- [mapserver-users] Re: php mapscript objects in session?
jim white
- [mapserver-users] Matching .TFW file with EXTENT parameter?
kreshna_iceheart at
- [mapserver-users] Matching .TFW file with EXTENT parameter?
kreshna_iceheart at
- [mapserver-users] install ms4w
cemre yilmaz
- [mapserver-users] ms4w 3547 error
cemre yilmaz
- [mapserver-users] ms4w with MapServer Demo...
cemre yilmaz
Last message date:
Sun Nov 30 21:26:32 PST 2008
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:36 PDT 2024
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