[mapserver-users] Failed to show Arabic labels with MapServer 5.2

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 10:55:36 PST 2008

yes this is the behavior that's used (with agg, but gd also): the
label text is split in individual characters, and each one is rendered
individually with a specific position and angle, and therefore the
joining between characters is lost (this isn't specific to the
outlining case, as can be seen on jackey's "no_outline" example).

Unfortunately, there's no simple fix, and even if so this would
require rewriting the entire angle follow code. This would require
that the text be rendered in one pass, following a smoothed curve that
fits the line geometry. AGG can sort of do this (see the trans_curve
examples in your agg source dir or on the website
http://antigrain.com/demo/index.html), but the characters are
deformed. It's an option that I have tested locally but gave up with
seeing the quality of the results.

does anyone have experience with pango and know if it could solve this problem ?


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 21:50, TC Haddad <tchaddad at gmail.com> wrote:
> on re-reading Steve W's point #2 - perhaps the specific bug is that
> there is a difference with when in the sequence of drawing,
> OUTLINECOLOR is applied
> i) when ANGLE is AUTO, OUTLINECOLOR is applied after the whole label is drawn
> ii) when ANGLE is FOLLOW, OUTLINECOLOR is applied after each letter is drawn
> so this ends up making a joined Arabic label look "fractured" if both
> OUTLINECOLOR and ANGLE FOLLOW are used at the same time.
> TH
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 12:32 PM, TC Haddad <tchaddad at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jackey,
>> I can read Arabic, and from the most recent attachments you sent I
>> think the labels are printing fine. That is,  I do see the problem you
>> are referring to, but the cause is not the font (the joined letters
>> are as they should be).
>> The real problem that I see is the fact that you are using
>> OUTLINECOLOR. This is putting a 1 pixel white outline on *each*
>> letter.
>> This approach works in English and languages where the letters don't
>> attach in printed form. But in Arabic, where whole worlds are joined,
>> the outline should be applied at the level of the word, not at the
>> level of the letter.
>> As far as I know this feature does not exist in Mapserver at the
>> moment, so it would have to be requested.
>> Tanya
>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Stephen Woodbridge
>> <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
>>> Jackey,
>>> I'm not sure how much more I can help other than to say:
>>> 1) make sure you are building with fribidi2 version 0.19.1+
>>> 2) Since character are generated individually on rotated labels, there may
>>> be an issue. Thomas Bonfort would be the person that implemented the AGG.
>>> You should probably try doing this with the AGG driver if you have not tried
>>> that yet. That is what I'm using.
>>> 3) try to locate a better/different font that supports Arabic
>>> -Steve
>>> Jackey Cheung wrote:
>>>> Steve,
>>>> Thanks for the advise, but we've tried the Arial font already in the first
>>>> test, it's just the same. We thought it was the fribidi2's problem since
>>>> 0.19.1 doesn't have their configure script changed, and tried the 0.10.9,
>>>> but it's all the same, every word is broken.
>>>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 11:15 PM, Stephen Woodbridge
>>>> <woodbri at swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>> wrote:
>>>>    Jackey,
>>>>    Try locating a different font. if the text is being rendered as
>>>>    glyphs and they look correct, but is missing the joining
>>>>    information, it is likely that the font you are using does not
>>>>    include the joining glyphs.
>>>>    If you are using a windows machine, try getting mapserver via the
>>>>    fonts.txt file to point to the arial.ttf in the fonts folder. And
>>>>    change you FONT "..." to select the windows arial font. This assumes
>>>>    that you can display arabic text correctly using the arial font from
>>>>    a windows application like excel.
>>>>    -Steve W.
>>>>    Jackey Cheung wrote:
>>>>        Greetings!
>>>>        We've build the MapServer 5.2 on a Linux server, with fribidi2
>>>>        0.19.1, to
>>>>        try show Arabic labels. But the words has been broken down to
>>>>        characters in
>>>>        the generated images (line.png). Then we've tried on a MS4W
>>>>        2.3.0 server,
>>>>        but the images (ms4w.png) are even worse.
>>>>        We are using PostGIS, and the database is using UTF8 (pgpr.png),
>>>>        while all
>>>>        Arabic data can be shown correctly (pg.png) on my English
>>>>        Windows XP, and
>>>>        we've tried some more machines, or on IE, to make sure that
>>>>        Arabic text in
>>>>        database are really UTF8.
>>>>        Here's the images: http://www3.mapasia.com/jackout/ara.png
>>>>        The part of the map file is as follow, where the "arbic-trans"
>>>>        is a Arabic
>>>>        TrueType font named "Arabic Transparent":
>>>>        LABEL
>>>>        ANGLE FOLLOW
>>>>        PRIORITY [priority]
>>>>        ENCODING "UTF-8"
>>>>        COLOR 0 0 0
>>>>        OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>>>>        TYPE TRUETYPE
>>>>        FONT "arbic-trans"
>>>>        SIZE 7
>>>>        POSITION AUTO
>>>>        PARTIALS FALSE
>>>>        MINDISTANCE 500
>>>>        BUFFER 1
>>>>        MINFEATURESIZE 50
>>>>        END
>>>>        Could anyone please help.
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