[mapserver-users] Create a file "GML" from a layer of type "annotation".

José María Michia jose.maria.michia at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 19:51:32 PST 2008


Maybe is useful explain more precisely my goal.

The attached image is a PNG obtained by using shp2img. The layer
displayed is an ANNOTATION LAYER. The labels are generalized by
MapServer. I wish to get the labels displayed in this extent, in this
scale, with this degree of generalization, in a GIS format, like GML,
or ShapeFile. I wish to use these file in GMT, that no have
implemented labeling algorithm.

My attempts:

1. shp2img: i obtained PDF files, which can be integrated in the final
map using something like Inkscape.
2. WMS: only can obtain a raster image.
3. WFS: I have been able to generate GML files using an WFS request,of
type GetFeature. However, GetFeature work on all elements, without
caring for the widespread labeling. I do not want all the labels, only
those that have been generalized to a certain scale.

In the past, I used MapScript. If I remember correctly, I could do
this by using a script in PHP or Python. Correct?

Thanks for any advice.
José María
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