[mapserver-users] RESOLUTION problem

Andre Silva silandre at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 09:19:16 PST 2008

Hello all,

I'm developing an aplicattion based on mapserver in which I have a text box
to set a numerical scale. This numerical scale ($_scale = 20000) is used to
render the image via the following mapscript:

$_scale = 20000;
$center_point->setXY($map->width/2, $map->height/2);
$map->zoomscale($_scale,$center_point, $map->width, $map->height,

However the image retrieved doesn't have the correct dimensions. The
graphical scale is correct, but 1 cm on the image doesn't corresponde to
20000 (in this case) on the ground.

I know that the RESOLUTION parameter is used to perform scale computations,
so what RESOLUTION should I use on the mapfile?
RESOLUTION depends on monitor size and monitor resolution, right?
How can the server/browser know the monitor size/resolution?

Best regards,
André Silva
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