[mapserver-users] Java Mapscript & SLD's...

Bill Zborowski silver_17 at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 3 10:40:27 PDT 2008

Hi Guys,

I'm relatively new to Mapserver and MapScript, and am having some issues with the applySLD(String, String) function.  I am writing a small Java utility that reads a WMC context file with GML and SLD and returns an image.  I can read the context and GML just fine, but when i call the apply SLD function it doesn't seem to recognize the <Fill> tag.  The <Stroke> tag gets styled correctly, leaving a properly style border and a grey fill on all my polygons.  As an example, here's the SLD i'm passing through the function:

<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0">
                  <Fill>                     <CssParamater name="fill">#ee9900</CssParamater>                     <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.4</CssParameter>                  </Fill>
                     <CssParameter name="stroke">#ee9900</CssParameter>
                     <CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">1</CssParameter>
                     <CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>

I've attached the resulting image, and while I expect there to be a dark orange border with a lighter orange fill I'm clearly not getting that.


Bill Zborowski


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