[mapserver-users] Display road layer realistically

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon Oct 6 21:41:02 PDT 2008

Man, I don't know how. You'd have to pre-process your data somehow to identify coincident
line segments and offset them accordingly. That can't be done on-the-fly.

As for your base layer definition, it's about as boring as it gets - fat red line, with black
text. Simple things like adding a wide background:

          COLOR 0 0 0   # fat black line
          WIDTH 6          
          COLOR 255 0 0    # thinner red line
          WIDTH 4          

can help. Outline colors for labels can also make them easier to read. I talk to a graphic
designer or cartographer if you have access to one for recommendations and then develop
to that. Also, AGG as a render will produce higher quality output than GD, use that if possible.


>>> Adrian Popa <adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro> 10/06/08 6:05 AM >>>
Hello everybody,

I have to draw a fiber-optic layer that can be interpreted like a road 
layer (polyline data type). I've drawn it in simple ways (colored 
lines), but now it must look more professional... I would like some tips 
on how to draw this/color schemes to make it look better.

    NAME fibraProblems     
    TYPE LINE              
    STATUS off             
    DATA fibra             
    CLASSITEM "nume"       
    LABELITEM "nume"       
       Name "Selected"     
       EXPRESSION /selected/
          COLOR 255 0 0    
          WIDTH 4          
            COLOR 0 0 255  
            TYPE TRUETYPE  
            FONT arial     
            SIZE 8         
            ANTIALIAS TRUE 
            POSITION AUTO  
            PARTIALS TRUE  
            MINDISTANCE 0  
            BUFFER 0       
    #       PRIORITY 5     

Also, on some parts of the fiber, there are multiple fibers going the 
same way... I would like to represent them like in this subway map: 
http://www.frenchculture.com/images/metro_map.gif, meaning adjacent 
fibers should apear next to each-other. Any idea if this can be done 
with mapserver?

Thank you,

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