[mapserver-users] ms sql 2008 spatial: Recently fixed issues

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 15:15:57 PDT 2008

2008/9/12 BrainDrain <paulborodaev at gmail.com>:
> "msMSSQL2008LayerGetItems(): Query error. msMSSQL2008LayerGetItems: tried to
> find the geometry column in the results from the database, but couldnt find
> it.  Is it miss-capitialized? 'GEOM'"

This problem is fixed check out the latest version and let me know
about how the things are going.

For the recent additions refer to:

BTW: Could we set up a new component to gather the MSSQL2008 related
issues in trac.

Best regards,


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