[mapserver-users] Can someone help test a potential bug for me?
Roger André
randre at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 09:40:32 PDT 2008
I'd like to ask for some help from a couple people running MapServer. I
would like to know if others are able to replicate some strange behavior I
have noticed lately, and what versions of MapServer they are using. Below
are the steps needed, they don't take very long.
Step 1. Create a large rectangular image of Size 14400 x 7200.
Step 2. Assign georeferencing to the image:
gdal_translate -a_ullr -180 90 180 -90 -a_srs "EPSG:4326" big_black.tif
Step 3. Load this image into a MapServer layer and set a contrasting
IMAGECOLOR in the mapfile (red works well).
Step 4. Make sure you have a spherical mercator projection defined in your
epsg file.
<900913> +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
+y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs <>
Step 5. Make a WMS request for a tile that replicates one that TileCache
Step 6. Look at your resulting tile. Is it full of data from top to bottom,
or is there a band of IMAGECOLOR at the bottom?
Step 7. Let me know your results.
Thanks very much!
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