[mapserver-users] 64 bit Windows OS

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 17:20:59 PDT 2008


Did you mean compiling mapserver as native Win64 binaries?
MapServer can be compiled for Win64 by using MSVC2005 and defining
WIN64 in nmake.opt. This configuration is included an regularly tested
at the buildbot:

See (szekerest-vc80x64-full) in the build process timeline.

By this means I consider this as a "supported" option however we have
no exact measures whether this configuration is "better" than simply
running Win32 images on Win64 or not.

The only situation I'm aware of when having Win64 images is
inevitable, when we use the C# bindings to implement the application
and the host process have been compiled by using /platform:x64 or
/platform:any in the csc command line. For example an ASP.NET
application running on a Windows Server x64 Edition might be one of
these cases.

Best regards,


2008/10/28 Bruce Cheney <BLC at jub.com>:
> What are the current plans for supporting 64 bit Windows OS?
> Already doing it and I missed it?
> What would be reasons for not actively pursuing this?
> Are some of the supporting binaries to difficult to convert over or
> MapServer itself?
> Is it the challenge of maintaining two paths 32 bit and 64 bit?
> The reasons I am asking are:
> Hardware and OS are coming this way now - 64 bit. We must go to some
> effort to downgrade to 32 bit.  The 64 bit obviously supports more RAM.
> More RAM = more concurrent users.  And there are probably other good
> reasons that I am at a loss to remember.
> Thanks for any wisdom you might have in this regards.
> Bruce Cheney
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