[mapserver-users] Layer Object Parameter Substitution fromURLusing GIS

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Apr 8 07:17:34 PDT 2009

This one answers your previous question about escaping characters. ;-)
You need to
use the ascii escape sequences in a URL.

Anyway, you're running up against the security controls in place in 5.4.
Basically you
don't want someone setting a filter to just anything. So, you *must*
define a validation
pattern before MapServer will allow the change. This is done via a

In your case you'd do something like this in the psc layer:

  NAME 'psc'
    filter '^orbitnr=[0-9]{1,5}$'

This says that filter can be set via a URL but only if it matches the
pattern above. Guessing
based on your sample this says the filter must be of the form
"orbitnr=an integer (1 to 5 digits)"
so "orbitnr=12345" will work "orbitnr=abcd" will not.

You can set a far more general pattern (e.g. '.' matches anything) but I
recommend against it.


>>> Heiko Schröter <schroete at iup.physik.uni-bremen.de> 04/08/09 4:04 AM
On Dienstag, 7. April 2009 15:52:10 you wrote:

Hello Steve,

this seem to fail as well. Funny enough i needed to change the
Layernames to 
uppercase in OpenLayer. But anyway:
       var kartenstring = "karte,grid,psc";
       var somevalue = "FILTER+'orbitnr=4567' ";
       layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "IUP WMS", 
                                           layers: kartenstring,
                                           "map.layer[PSC]": somevalue},
The relevant part of the generated URL:
I've tried various \' inside somevalue, but that won't change a thing.
Backslashing the + sign won't change thing as well.

And mapserver fails. The output from DEBUG 5 is as follows:
[Wed Apr  8 10:52:31 2009].104328 getSymbol(): Symbol definition error.
error near (+):(line 1)
[Wed Apr  8 10:51:24 2009].324130 loadLayer(): General error message.
based FILTER configuration failed pattern validation.

Depending on what you have changed in someval.


> 2) Setting extra vars in OpenLayers is easy. Something like this would
> work:
>   myLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(
>     'stuff',
>     'http://some.site.com/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/some/mapfile.map',
>     { layers:'stuff', map_transparent: 'true',
>       somevar: 'somevalue',
>     },
>     { ratio:1, singleTile:true, transitionEffect:'resize',
> isBaseLayer:false }
>   );

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