FW: [mapserver-users] RE: Highlight

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Mon Apr 13 13:07:31 PDT 2009



So say I have a Database that I am querying...
I get the results back with a PID number (unique)
This number exists in the Parcels Shapefile so I can go after that field.
I have a map file that is set up for the Parcels, but this is just there to draw the Parcels...
I assume that I would have to modify this one for this to work?

I am just a bit confused on how to get this to work...
When I run the code that creates the Table below I want the parcels to also highlight in the map....

Attached is my code that I am using to get the resulting PID Values, build the table, and populate the last frame showing the Comma Delimited String.
I just don't know how to apply that to my map?

I attached my code from my PHP page which I hope that someone can at least put their eyes on...
Towards to bottom you will see highlighted in RED the code that I am building a comma delimited string to populate a variable with all the PID numbers...
I assume that I would not need the comma delimited string as I could place the highlighting code inside the while loop to get the parcels highlighted...
I don't really know...

Any thoughts?


This inside the while loop????

$map = ms_newMapObj(PATH TO YOU MAPFILE);
$qlayer = $map->$map->getLayerByName(NAME OF PARCEL LAYER);
$img = $map->drawQuery();
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Moen, Paul T.
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 3:15 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] RE: Highlight

If the database that you are querying has the same attributes as the shape file, you can query the Layer that points to the shape file and display the highlighted results on your map.  I know nothing about GeoMOOSE but I know it can be done with php-mapscript.

Regardless of what you are using, you need a map file layer for the shape file with the parcels.
You will then need to use php-mapscript to query that layer with something like
$map = ms_newMapObj(PATH TO YOU MAPFILE);
$qlayer = $map->$map->getLayerByName(NAME OF PARCEL LAYER);
$qlayer->queryByAttributes('PID','PID IN (1, 2,7,9,23,87)',MS_MULTIPLE);
You will then need to create the output image from query using something like
$img = $map->drawQuery();
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

I can't give you specifics without knowing how GeoMOOSE works, so the best thing is to look at the documentation for GeoMOOSE if that is what you are using.

On 4/9/09 2:17 PM, "Jay Kapalczynski" <jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us> wrote:
Dang I misspoke...I am sorry...

I am querying a Database for records, these records have a PID (unique Number).
These are the records that show up in the Table.

As this happens I have to take the results and run the query against the parcels to get the features in the Shapefile, then highlight..

If that makes any sense...

If I am in a PHP file and have the records returned from the query (database)...what would I have to do next to take those records and run a query to highlight the parcels (PID to PID)?

Can all of this be accomplished in the PHP file?

Thanks...and sorry for my ignorance...

From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Moen, Paul T.
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 1:57 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] RE: Highlight

Set the mapfile QUERYMAP style to highlight http://mapserver.org/mapfile/querymap.html.   Draw the map using drawQuery() instead of draw().

$img = $map->drawQuery();
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

On 4/9/09 1:31 PM, "Jay Kapalczynski" <jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us> wrote:
Basically what I have is a query that runs on a shapefile...
It returns the records into a table, which I then have the option to zoom to.

I am looking for a bit more....after I run the query (php) I want the returned records to highlight in the map...
I can get the Unique identifier but don't know if I can write some code in PHP to highlight those features

I don't even know where to start here...

The query and returning records into the table, as well as, the zoom to work great...just need the highlight part


From: Jay Kapalczynski
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 1:03 PM
To: 'mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org<mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org> <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org> '
Subject: Highlight

Any way to highlight a feature in my map in PHP?

I can grab a unique identifier but can figure out how to highlight it...



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