[mapserver-users] Use of a Colortable

Heiko Schröter schroete at iup.physik.uni-bremen.de
Wed Apr 15 07:25:45 PDT 2009

On Mittwoch, 15. April 2009 16:02:23 Jeff McKenna wrote:


yep, i think i got the idea. I've just checked the [color_me] access and this 
works. Probably the (or my) way to go is to store the color value inside the 
postgis table as extra column as suggested.

The other idea by Espen works too. But would be suited to cases with little 
variations or intermediate steps.

Thanks to everyone for the clues.


> > Is it possible with mapserver to change the color of the symbol according
> > to the value read in from postgis ?
> Yes this is possible, using the method described by David.  I have
> tested this locally: I have a column in PostGIS named 'color' with
> various RGB values, and I can display them in MapServer such as the
> following:
>    STYLE
>      COLOR [color]
>    END
> (tested with MapServer version 5.4.0-rc1)
> -jeff

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