[mapserver-users] MapServer Version 5.4.0 Source Released

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Apr 22 20:31:38 PDT 2009

Hi all: The MapServer PSC is proud to announce the release of MapServer version 5.4. The source code is available for download at:


Binary distributions will follow shortly as will a new demo. Nearly 100 tickets were closed as part of this effort. Major feature additions include:

    * MS RFC 30: Support for WMS 1.3.0
    * MS RFC 40: Label text alignment and wrapping
    * MS RFC 44: Restore URL modification of mapfiles to pre-5.0 levels
    * MS RFC 47: Move IGNORE_MISSING_DATA to run-time configuration
    * MS RFC 48: GEOTRANSFORM Geometry operations
    * MS RFC 49: Symbology, Labeling, and Cartography Improvements 
    * MS RFC 56: Improved security relative to untrusted directories and mapfiles

Full RFC text can be found at: 


Other notable enhancements include:

   * improved polygon label placement
   * re-write of much of the PostGIS driver code 

The full 5.4.0 change log can be found at: http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/browser/tags/rel-5-4-0/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT 

I would like to thank all the folks that worked hard on this release, your efforts are greatly appreciated!


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