[mapserver-users] Refresh map after database change

Ganaël Jatteau gju at galigeo.com
Mon Aug 3 10:59:50 EDT 2009



Sorry, I’m not sure this message should belong to the mapserver list since
it tends to be more like a Fusion issue.


I use Fusion to display a map (with mapserver) that gets its layers from


I do change some shapes in the database, then I call
Fusion.getWidgetsByType(‘RefreshMap’)[].execute() to refresh the map (in
order to display the new data).


The interesting thing is that the refresh takes the changes into account
when I run a browser locally on the machine where Apache Mapserver is
running but not from another machine (in both cases, the map disappears then
re-appears on the webpage)

I tried to introduce a sleep at the end of the code that updates the
database to make sure it’s not a timing problem. I also tried to use two
exact same versions of Firefox, but no result. 


However, if I zoom/unzoom I can see that the change has been applied.


Any idea? Thanks in advance.




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