[mapserver-users] Leading zeros removed from variabel whenpassed to map file

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at state.mn.us
Tue Dec 8 06:39:49 PST 2009

Thanks for posting your solution, might help another user. As I understand it you're
quoting the variable on the way into MapServer, right? A simpler solution might be
to just adjust your filter by placing quotes around replacement string, like so:

  FILTER "placeref = '%ref_no%'"

That way PostGIS will interpret it as a string.


>>> GGould <graeme.gould at grandunionhousing.co.uk> 12/08/09 5:15 AM >>>


Solved the problem by adding quote marks at the beginning and end of each
ref_no so that the variable is seem by the map file as a string rather than
an integer.


GGould wrote:
> Hi
> Im just starting out with MapServer and have a bit of a stumbling block. 
> The following script should identify a property based on the "ref_no"
> string variable passed to the map file.
> DATA "geometry from snh_properties"
> FILTER "placeref = %ref_no%"
> This works for all ref_no's beginning with a whole number, however if the
> re_no begins with a zero then it does not work.  Has anyone come across
> this before and is there a solution that hopefully wont tax my brain too
> much.
> Cheers
> Graeme

View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Leading-zeros-removed-from-variabel-when-passed-to-map-file-tp4125557p4131812.html
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