[mapserver-users] Problem with template

RODIER BATISSE, ALEXANDRE alexandre.rodier at carm.es
Fri Jan 9 01:16:30 PST 2009

Hi everyone,


Before to explain my problem I wish a happy new year.


Well, my problem is relationed with a mail than i sent past dicember about problem with template.


I define a map file with template definition in layer object (I attach it). I define also MIME format for query in the web object like "wms_feature_info_mime_type" "text/html,text/plain". And finaly I define the templates files (I also attach them). The mapfile define a vector layer from shape file with few atrributes.


The problem appears when I perform a GetFeatureinfo request:


A GetFeatureInfo request in my web browser like this "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:/ms4w/datos/map/prueba.map&SERVICE=wms&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&LAYERS=ENP&STYLES=&QUERY_LAYERS=ENP&x=300&y=300&SRS=EPSG:23030&BBox= 610822.81,4137430.54,707593.47,4266594&WIDTH=800&HEIGHT=500&INFO_FORMAT=text/html" returns this result:


GetFeatureInfo results:
Layer 'ENP'
  Feature 6:


As you can see, the query doesn't return attribute from shape file.


When X,Y coordinates doesn't match with any feature, the request returns:


GetFeatureInfo results:
  Search returned no results.


Someone knows the source of the problem.




Alexandre Rodier

Asistencia Técnica del SIGA


Servicio de Información e Integración Ambiental
Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Biodiversidad
Consejería de Agricultura y Agua.
c/ Arquitecto Emilio Piñero, 1 Entresuelo C

30.007 Murcia

Tel. 968246272

Correo-e: alexandre.rodier at carm.es <mailto:alexandre.rodier at carm.es> 

http://www.carm.es/medioambiente <http://www.carm.es/medioambiente> 



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