[mapserver-users] Mapscript won't load after PHP update

Dominik Schmid dominik.schmid at ilu.ch
Fri Jan 23 03:16:16 PST 2009

OK, the problem is solved in the meantime. The failure was a typical 
human error (in this case a typical RTFM error): I didn't cp the updated 
php_mapscript.so to where it belongs, the PHP Extension directory.

I'm sorry for having bothered the list with such trivial stuff.


Dominik Schmid wrote:
> Thanks, Daniel for the quick reply. I did make sure that php-devel is 
> also up-to-date (even checked the /usr/include/php directory manually if 
> it had been updated). I did the update on the test machine so I can 
> cross check with the productive server for differences. One thing I 
> notice is, that phpinfo() on the test server doesn't list the Mapscript 
> module anymore as it does on the productive server. We installed the 
> older version of PHP (5.1.6) also using yum. Mapserver is configured 
> with the following options:
> --with-ogr \
> --with-proj \
> --with-geos=/usr/bin/geos-config \
> --with-gdal \
> --with-postgis=/usr/bin/pg_config \
> --with-httpd=/usr/sbin/httpd \
> --with-php=/usr/include/php \
> --with-wfs \
> --with-wfsclient \
> --with-wmsclient \
> --enable-debug \
> --with-threads \
> --with-wcs \
> --with-wcsclient \
> --with-sos \
> --with-gd \
> --with-freetype=/usr/bin \
> --with-jpeg \
> --with-agg=/srv/software/agg-2.5
> Could it be the case that I need to recompile PHP to use the same 
> Mapscript version as Mapserver? I don't see any configure option on the 
> old (5.1.6.) PHP version indicating this.
> Dominik
> Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> Dominik Schmid wrote:
>>> PHP Warning:  dl() [<a href='function.dl'>function.dl</a>]: 
>>> MapScript: Unable to initialize module
>>> Module compiled with module API=20050922, debug=0, thread-safety=0
>>> PHP    compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=0
>>> These options need to match in ......
>>> I made double sure that I compiled against the correct (new) version 
>>> of PHP so that can't be the issue here. I have not found any 
>>> information as to what else I can check or as to what else I could be 
>>> doing wrong so I need to ask here.
>> There is not much else to check. This error really tells you that the 
>> php_mapscript.so you are loading was compiled for the wrong version of 
>> PHP.
>> Sounds like you need to make triple sure that you have installed and 
>> are compiling against the correct set of php-devel files: yum install 
>> the php-devel package for the right version of php and make sure you 
>> uninstall any previous version.
>> If that doesn't solve your problem then perhaps try sharing your 
>> MapServer configure options with us on the list...
>> Daniel

Dominik Schmid
Dipl. Umweltnaturwissenschafter ETH

ilu AG
Zentralstrasse 2a
CH-8610 Uster

Tel: +41 44 / 944 55 56    (Direktwahl)
Tel: +41 44 / 944 55 55    (allgemein)
Fax: +41 44 / 944 55 66

mailto:dominik.schmid at ilu.ch

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