[mapserver-users] WFS Encoding in 5.4.0

Sture Dingsøyr candalt at online.no
Tue Jun 16 05:16:42 EDT 2009

Hi all

Have a running WFS service in Mapserver 5.4.0, and i want to set the encoding to UTF-8. In previous versions of mapserver i only add the "wfs_encoding" "UTF-8" and the encoding is changed from the default in all WFS request types.

If i test my WFS service to run in version 1.0.0 the encoding is announced as "UTF-8", but if i run the service in version 1.1.0 the encoding is still "ISO-8859-1". 

This only applies to the GetCapabilities request...not GetFeature and DescribeFeatureType request.


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