[mapserver-users] Mapserver 5.4.1 for MS4W??

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Jun 22 18:11:26 EDT 2009

Problem resolved. This was a weird one in my book. I turns out that the 
mapfile got corrupted somehow. The mapfile was good on my linux system 
it was zipped up and sent to the windows system. We had to edit the 
SHAPEPATH, FONTSET and SYMBOLSET values in wordpad. Somewhere along the 
line 5 random characters in the mapfile got corrupted. Below is the good 
  mapfile from my linux system that worked. On the windows version the 
SIZE 12 got changed to SIZE ?2

Any after spending all day transferring my build stuff to the windows 
server and getting it to build there I finally got a working mapserv.exe 
based on 5.4.1 and it generated the same error below. Since I was logged 
into the Windows box, I was decided to edit the mapfile to work around 
the problem, and noticed the corrupted line. Fixed it and reran the test 
... four more times fixing additional corrupt lines and it finally 
worked, 5 minutes before the box had to be powered down and moved to the 
coloc center.

So I didn't get a change to retest with ms4w and mapserver-5.4.0-RC2 
with the repaired mapfile and won't have a chance before next week 
sometime if I can get access then.

So on a side note, I have some questions about building stuff on windows 
if anyone with knowledge would like to contact me off list, I would 
appreciate the chance for a few questions.


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Thomas Bonfort wrote:
>>> loadLabel(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (2):(line 407)
>>> Which I believe is because Thomas added some rendering features that I'm
>>> using after 5.4.0-RC2.
>> what's on line 407 in your mapfile? I don't think there are any
>> keywords I added since the 5.4 release process started.
>> -- 
>> thomas
> Thomas,
>     CLASS
>       EXPRESSION /C/
>       MAXSCALEDENOM 50100
>       STYLE
>         WIDTH 14
>         OUTLINECOLOR "#B7AC9A"
>         OUTLINEWIDTH 1
>         MINWIDTH 1.5
>         MAXWIDTH 12
>       END
>       STYLE
>         WIDTH 14
>         COLOR "#ffffbc"
>         MINWIDTH 1.5
>         MAXWIDTH 12
>       END
>       LABEL
>         MAXSCALEDENOM 30000
>         TYPE TRUETYPE FONT "arial" SIZE 12 COLOR "#000000" PARTIALS 
> FALSE OUTLINEWIDTH 3  #### Line: 407
>         ANGLE FOLLOW
>         OUTLINECOLOR "#ffffbc"
>         PRIORITY 3
>         MINSIZE 7
>         MAXSIZE 10
>         MINDISTANCE 200
>       END
>     END
> I was thinking the OUTLINEWIDTH and OUTLINECOLOR were new, but I could 
> be mistaken. I'm not sure when these were added, anyway the above works 
> fine in Linux and only through this error when I moved stuff over to 
> Windows.
> I have just build my own mapserver using VS2008 Express based on 4.5.1 
> and I'm waiting for the client to download that and test it. I'll also 
> move the data and applications over to my Windows box and try to 
> reproduce in my own environment if I have time this weekend.
> -Steve
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