[mapserver-users] Another itemquery problem

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Fri Mar 13 06:18:41 PDT 2009

If you need to search multiple layers sequentially then yes.


>>> Rui Gomes <ruijgomes at gmail.com> 03/13/09 4:20 AM >>>
And a  search like all citys with name equal to Philadelphia and
poplation less than 10.000  is possible but only using  mapscript.
I correct?

2009/3/13 Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us>:
> Sorry, you don't. Attribute queries search only a single layer. You'd need to
> use MapScript to get around this limitation (or hack mapquery.c to get
> around the problem).
> Steve
>>>> Rui Gomes <ruijgomes at gmail.com> 03/12/09 9:54 PM >>>
> How i do to query all my layers in itemquery. If i don't put the
> qlayer i recived the follow error:
> mapserv(): Web application error. Query layer not set or references an
> invalid layer.
> And to extend the seach to all the attributes?
> Thanks
> --
>                                      Rui Gomes
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                                      Rui Gomes
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