[mapserver-users] Tile indexes

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Mar 13 12:38:24 EDT 2009


Hopefully you will get some additional suggestions from people that use 
rasters more than I :)

The SHAPEPATH, TILEINDEX, and location values all interact in often 
mysterious ways for me. What I typically do to get things to work is:

SHAPEPATH "/path/to/data/project/"

TILEINDEX "images"

location values:

Where images.shp is located in "/path/to/data/project/" and
"./path/to/image.tif" is relative and down from SHAPEPATH

I often use symlinks to separate physical locations from logical locations.

Hope this helps,
   -Steve W

Cassiel wrote:
> 2009/3/13 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com 
> <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>>
>     Cassiel wrote:
>         Hi you all,
>         I can't get tile indexes working with my raster files with pmapper
>         I am using gdaltindex as exlained in ms doc but the layer I am
>         trying to index is not showed... no error is generated in php
>         error log file nor in the pmapper one.
>         index.shp & mapfile are in the same directory, the index.dbf
>         file is showing a relative path as the DATA path in the mapfile
>         (which is commented according to ms docu).
>         mapserver version in 5.0.3 on debian testing
>         Any ideas?
>     Show us your LAYER block from your mapfile would probably be helpful.
> Here it is, tiled gtiffs are in /var/www/cem/cem_webgis/images/raster/ 
> and the index.dbf paths are "../../images/raster/ita_dem40.tif"
>     NAME 'dem40'
> TILEINDEX "/var/www/cem/cem_webgis/config/common/dem_index.shp"
> TILEITEM "location"
>     #DATA '../../images/raster/ita_dem40.tif'
>     OFFSITE 0 255 255
>         'proj=utm'
>         'zone=32'
>         'ellps=WGS84'
>         'datum=WGS84'
>         'units=m'
>         'no_defs'
>     END
>         'DESCRIPTION'    'DEM'
>         "wms_title"        "DEM 40m"
>         "wms_srs"        "EPSG:32632"
>     END
>     MINSCALE 0
>     MAXSCALE 200000
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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