[mapserver-users] Labeling

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Thu Mar 26 06:45:59 PDT 2009

Is there any way to eliminate the decimal places here...I looked online but was unable to find anything.


[cid:image001.png at 01C9ADEF.4497AE30]

LAYER # Maple Grove Parcels
                    NAME Parcel_Labels
                    DATA './parcels.shp'
                    STATUS DEFAULT
                    TYPE annotation
                    MAXSCALE 2000
                    MINSCALE 100
                    LABELITEM 'EMV_LAND'

                                LABELCACHE ON
                       COLOR -1 -1 -1
                                POSITION UC
                                TYPE TRUETYPE
                                FONT vera_sans
                                MAXSIZE 7
                                SIZE 7
                                OFFSET 0 10
                                MINSIZE 4
                                #ANTIALIAS TRUE
                                COLOR 0 0 0
                                OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 128
                                BUFFER 2
  END # Maple Grove Parcels
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