[mapserver-users] "simple" scale problem?
Paul Spencer
pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Oct 9 17:09:53 PDT 2009
Actually the extent of your shapefile is very much smaller than that
of your map file. Try using a smaller extent, say
-122.42 37.73 -122.41 37.74
(hope I got that the right way around)
On 2009-10-09, at 7:50 PM, Alan Swithenbank wrote:
> Hi,
> My first post here, (I just signed on 5 minutes ago), so pardon any
> missed
> protocols...;^)
> I'm absolutely new to mapserver, but, well versed in coding,
> graphics, and
> system administration in general. I'm trying to display a shapefile
> via perl mapscript. I created the the shapefile using the perl
> shapelib
> module. (It's GPS track data). The shapefile displays as expected
> using
> openjump, so I think it is OK. Here is the ogrinfo -al output for the
> shapefile:
> INFO: Open of `track2shp.shp'
> using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
> Layer name: track2shp
> Geometry: Line String
> Feature Count: 1
> Extent: (-122.419903, 37.739453) - (-122.419775, 37.739625)
> Layer SRS WKT:
> (unknown)
> ID: Integer (10.0)
> Date: String (16.0)
> OGRFeature(track2shp):0
> ID (Integer) = 0
> Date (String) = 353238-19-8
> LINESTRING (-122.419881799999999
> 37.739624999999997,-122.419860400000005
> 37.739539100000002,-122.419774500000003 37.7394533,-122.4199033
> 37.739496199999998)
> In my map file I've given a size 800 400, and an
> extent -123.00 37.00 -122.00 38.00, with units dd. I do
> get a display, but what I see is just a tiny spot within
> the 800x400 area, rather than a show of the shapefile
> data at what should be a reasonable scale from the extent.
> It appears that the extent is ignored, and some arbitrary
> scaling is applied the 800x400 area. (By the relative sizes
> it appears maybe to be 360x180 degrees.)
> I'm guessing there is some projection and/or scale issue,
> or something like defining a .wld file for a raster image
> required, but, haven't been able to crack it. I'd appreciate
> any pointers. Here's the full .map file:
> NAME "simpleshowmap"
> SIZE 800 400
> # IMAGECOLOR 64 136 32
> "/home/alans/Desktop/mapserverdemo/minigtopp/perlaccess/track2shp/"
> EXTENT -123.00 37.00 -122.00 38.00
> "/home/alans/Desktop/mapserverdemo/minigtopp/perlaccess/
> simpleshow.html"
> IMAGEPATH "/home/alans/Desktop/mapserverdemo/tmp/"
> IMAGEURL "/tmp/"
> NAME "tracklayer"
> STATUS default
> TYPE line
> DATA "track2shp"
> COLOR 255 0 0
> And, for completeness, the perl mapscript file:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use mapscript;
> use CGI ":cgi";
> my $script_name = "/cgi-bin/simpleshow.pl";
> my $map_path = "/home/alans/Desktop/mapserverdemo/minigtopp/
> perlaccess/";
> my $map_file = "simpleshow.map";
> my $img_path = "/home/alans/Desktop/mapserverdemo/tmp/";
> my $img_name = sprintf("simpleshow%0.6d",rand(1000000)).".png";
> my $params = new CGI;
> my $map = new mapscript::mapObj($map_path.$map_file);
> my $img = $map->draw();
> $img->save($img_path.$img_name);
> print $params->header();
> print $params->start_html(-title=>'Simple Perl Mapscript Shapefile
> Show',
> -bgcolor=>"#E6E6E6");
> print <<END_OF_HTML
> <br>
> This code, simpleshow.pl, used perl mapscript to display the ESRI
> shapefile track2shp.shp, (produced by the routine track2shp.pl),
> according to the dictates of the .map file simpleshow.map.
> <br><br>
> <form name="pointmap" action="simpleshow.pl" method="POST">
> <input type="image" name="img" src="../../tmp/$img_name">
> </form>
> print $params->end_html();
> thanks!
> Alan Swithenbank
> Research Programmer
> Stanford University
> Tagging of Pacific Pelagics Project
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Paul Spencer
Chief Technology Officer
DM Solutions Group Inc
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