October 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Oct 1 07:12:57 PDT 2009
Ending: Sat Oct 31 12:24:18 PDT 2009
Messages: 420
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
- [mapserver-users] roadlines issue
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] roadlines issue
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] roadlines issue
Raivo Alla
- [mapserver-users] Dinamic vechicle track generating
- [mapserver-users] How to run Map Server Demo App (workshop-5.0)
Damith Amarasena
- [mapserver-users] Tips on generating tiles from mapserver
Benoît Andrieu
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: Need some ideas for mosaic'ing raster data that spans the dateline
Roger André
- [mapserver-users] Problem w/ SLD Documentation
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Problem w/ SLD Documentation
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] SLD Issue
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] use of srsName in wfs 1.1
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] use of srsName in wfs 1.1
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Query feature using openlayers and mapserver
- [mapserver-users] Query feature using openlayers and mapserver
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Projection Issues (I think).
Jelmer Baas
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Projection Issues (I think).
Jelmer Baas
- [mapserver-users] WFS error
S D Barnes
- [mapserver-users] WFS error
S D Barnes
- [mapserver-users] FW: Character symbology to follow line direction
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI)
Bob Basques
- [mapserver-users] AGG Rendering problem
Tony Baylis
- [mapserver-users] AGG Rendering problem
Tony Baylis
- [mapserver-users] Making labels appear less often on adjacent tiles
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Making labels appear less often on adjacent tiles
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] AGG renderer: Is there a way to disable the antialias feature with pattern brushes?
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] label encoding problem
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] AGG Rendering problem
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Use of palette file: Problems with changing colors when tiling
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] Use of palette file: Problems with changingcolors when tiling
Thomas Bonfort
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6beta1: mindistance not workingproperly?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6beta1: mindistance not workingproperly?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] To compile module libmapsript.so for Java
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6beta1: mindistance notworkingproperly?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP Mapscript
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP Mapscript
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] PPH Mapscript - limit to number of shape objects in a layer?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] PPH Mapscript - limit to number of shape objects in a layer?
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript delivers map with larger extent than requested
Alan Boudreault
- [mapserver-users] Help (tips&tricks) on raster dataset optimization
- [mapserver-users] tile4ms - Layer object STATUS
James Card
- [mapserver-users] wfs post and mapscript
Andy Colson
- [mapserver-users] Problem with libjpeg
Andy Colson
- [mapserver-users] Problem with libjpeg
Andy Colson
- [mapserver-users] Problem with libjpeg
Andy Colson
- [mapserver-users] Calling WMS layer via openlayers when STATUS ON
Paul Curran
- [mapserver-users] Calling WMS layer via openlayers when STATUS ON
Paul Curran
- [mapserver-users] Change CLASS Expression using MapScript
- [mapserver-users] Change CLASS Expression using MapScript
- [mapserver-users] SLD Issue
- [mapserver-users] SLD Issue
- [mapserver-users] mapserver-5.6.0-beta4
Stephen Davies
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
- [mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo beyond scale
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] Call layer
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo beyond scale
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] WMS shootout, ESRI and ERDAS
Bruce Foster
- [mapserver-users] WMS shootout, ESRI and ERDAS
Bruce Foster
- [mapserver-users] Re: [Tilecache] WMS shootout, ESRI and ERDAS
Bruce Foster
- [mapserver-users] Using nquery/mapxy/TOLERANCE/TOLERANCEUNITS
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Using nquery/mapxy/TOLERANCE/TOLERANCEUNITS
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver, WFS, ArcMap 8.3, and WKT in a non-spatial database
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: mapserver - postgis bug]
Peter Freimuth
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: mapserver - postgis bug]
Peter Freimuth
- [mapserver-users] Drawing points with a FGS installation
Alex G.
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Charlton Galvarino
- [mapserver-users] display CIRCULARSTRING / COMPOUNDCURVE
Jana Golinowski
- [mapserver-users] question about TRANSPARENT ON
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] question about TRANSPARENT ON
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] question about TRANSPARENT ON
Richard Greenwood
- SV: [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Steve Grey
- SV: [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Steve Grey
- [mapserver-users] Problem with configure
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Problem with configure
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Problem with configure
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP Mapscript
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP Mapscript
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP Mapscript
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Problem with libjpeg
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Problem with libjpeg
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] Problem with libjpeg
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] PPH Mapscript - limit to number of shape objects in a layer?
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] PPH Mapscript - limit to number of shape objects in a layer?
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] PPH Mapscript - limit to number of shape objects in a layer?
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] PPH Mapscript - limit to number of shape objects in a layer?
Alan Hale
- [mapserver-users] FW: Character symbology to follow line direction
Todd Harris
- [mapserver-users] FW: Character symbology to follow line direction
Todd Harris
- [mapserver-users] FW: Character symbology to follow line direction
Todd Harris
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
Josh Hevenor
- [mapserver-users] Control access to WMS
Joshua Hevenor
- [mapserver-users] catching GEOS errors in PHP mapscript
Joshua Hevenor
- [mapserver-users] catching GEOS errors in PHP mapscript
Joshua Hevenor
- [mapserver-users] Generating a world file from extent and scale
Pavel Iacovlev
- [mapserver-users] Re: Generating a world file from extent and scale
Pavel Iacovlev
- [mapserver-users] Any ways to increase performance of Mapserver?
Pavel Iacovlev
- [mapserver-users] roadlines issue
Pavel Iacovlev
- [mapserver-users] roadlines issue
Pavel Iacovlev
- [mapserver-users] Serialize MapObj of phpmapscript
Pavel Iacovlev
- [mapserver-users] Use of palette file: Problems with changing colors when tiling
Espen Isaksen
- [mapserver-users] Use of palette file: Problems with changingcolors when tiling
Espen Isaksen
- [mapserver-users] Use of palette file: Problems with changingcolors when tiling
Espen Isaksen
- [mapserver-users] Giving us a sample of draw dynamic thematic map
Rui Jianxun
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Help Serving Tiled Tiffs
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error.no system list, errno: 13
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GDAL Raster reprojection
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection libraryerror.no system list, errno: 13
Rahkonen Jukka
- VS: [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GDAL Raster reprojection
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage question
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage question
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] mapserver produces interlaced PNGs even if I configured the map to output noninterlaced PNGs
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Calling WMS layer via openlayers when STATUS ON
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Scale dependant image tile
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] use of srsName in wfs 1.1
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Rahkonen Jukka
- SV: [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] add watermark to wms service
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] AGG Rendering problem
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] WFS error
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
Rahkonen Jukka
- [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript delivers map with larger extent than requested
Chuck Jungmann
- [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript delivers map with larger extent than requested
Chuck Jungmann
- [mapserver-users] google-earth display layers with rasterimages skewed
Kai Hinkelmann, e+h internet dienste
- [mapserver-users] Extents
Jay Kapalczynski
- [mapserver-users] RE: Extents
Jay Kapalczynski
- [mapserver-users] RE: Extents
Jay Kapalczynski
- [mapserver-users] Button / Automaticly run
Jay Kapalczynski
- [mapserver-users] RE: Extents
Jay Kapalczynski
- [mapserver-users] WMS Client Transparency
Travis Kirstine
- [mapserver-users] Grouping Layers
Travis Kirstine
- [mapserver-users] add watermark to wms service
Travis Kirstine
- [mapserver-users] add watermark to wms service
Travis Kirstine
- [mapserver-users] tile4ms - Layer object STATUS
P Kishor
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: mapserver - postgis bug]
P Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Calling WMS layer via openlayers when STATUS ON
P Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver error: "Web application error. Missing magic string, ..."
P Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Query feature using openlayers and mapserver
P Kishor
- [mapserver-users] WMS Client Transparency
Martin Kofahl
- [mapserver-users] Grouping Layers
Martin Kofahl
- [mapserver-users] Control access to WMS
Martin Kofahl
- [mapserver-users] use of srsName in wfs 1.1
Martin Kofahl
- [mapserver-users] use of srsName in wfs 1.1
Martin Kofahl
- [mapserver-users] OGC Compliance
Kralidis,Tom [Ontario]
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 5.6.0-beta1 release
William Kyngesburye
- [mapserver-users] Text Delimiiters
- [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo
Iratxe Lejarreta
- [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo
Iratxe Lejarreta
- [mapserver-users] getFeatureInfo from Postgis
Iratxe Lejarreta
- [mapserver-users] getFeatureInfo from Postgis
Iratxe Lejarreta
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6beta1: mindistance not workingproperly?
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6beta1: mindistance notworkingproperly?
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Using nquery/mapxy/TOLERANCE/TOLERANCEUNITS
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] JOIN SHP and CSV
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] WMS in Google Earth
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] REMINDER: Call for Nominations - Sol Katz Award forGeospatial Free and Open Source Software
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] 5.6.0-b2 and GetFeatureInfo
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] RE: Extents
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Querying layers for feature attributes
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] FINAL REMINDER: Call for Nominations - Sol KatzAward for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] RE: Extents
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] ASTER GDEM Mapfile
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Change CLASS Expression using MapScript
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Change CLASS Expression using MapScript
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Re: [mapserver-dev] MapServer Code Sprint at FOSS4G
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Try GeoSpatial Open Source Desktop applications from a web browser
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] MapServer beta 4 released
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Lost WMS layer in URL
Steve Lime
- SV: [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] long expression statement doesn't work anymore
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Print template and WMS
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Re: Print template and WMS
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Re: Print template and WMS
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] javascript query template examples
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] long expression statement doesn't work anymore
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Serialize MapObj of phpmapscript
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Re: [mapserver-dev] WMS Performance Shootout presentation/results
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] parsing error with regular expression
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] quotes in EXPRESSION, ATTRIBUTE type
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Use of palette file: Problems with changingcolors when tiling
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI)
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI)
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI)
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] What is the error?
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Projection Issues (I think).
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Projection Issues (I think).
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] FOSS4G BOF for MapServer
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Rotate parcel labels so that they are normal to their parcel
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] ASTER GDEM Mapfile
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] ASTER GDEM Mapfile
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Glacier symbology
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Control access to WMS
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] Re: Print template and WMS
Milo van der Linden
- [mapserver-users] 5.6.0-b2 and GetFeatureInfo
Lars Lingner
- [mapserver-users] Tips on generating tiles from mapserver
Lars Lingner
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Lars Lingner
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Lars Lingner
- [mapserver-users] Print template and WMS
Dan Little
- [mapserver-users] getFeatureInfo from Postgis
Dan Little
- [mapserver-users] long expression statement doesn't work anymore
Worth Lutz
- [mapserver-users] OGC Compliance
Elavazhagan. M
- [mapserver-users] OGC Compliance
Elavazhagan. M
- [mapserver-users] Templating problem
Clément MONIER
- [mapserver-users] Templating problem
Clément MONIER
- [mapserver-users] Glacier symbology
Alex Mandel
- [mapserver-users] FOSS4G BOF for MapServer
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] FOSS4G BOF for MapServer
Jeff McKenna
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] WMS Performance Shootout presentation/results
Jeff McKenna
- [mapserver-users] python mapscript - FORMATOPTION
Ivan Mincik
- [mapserver-users] python mapscript - FORMATOPTION
Ivan Mincik
- [mapserver-users] AGG Rendering problem
Moen, Paul T.
- [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript delivers map with larger extent than requested
Moen, Paul T.
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 5.6.0-beta2 released
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 5.6.0-beta1 release
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Problem w/ SLD Documentation
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] OGC Compliance
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] OGC Compliance
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapServer 5.6.0-beta3 released
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Pls help!! Mapinfo Tab Objects and Symbols
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Control access to WMS
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Code Sprint at FOSS4G
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] catching GEOS errors in PHP mapscript
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Maria Neywell
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Maria Neywell
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Maria Neywell
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Maria Neywell
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Steven M. Ottens
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Steven M. Ottens
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Steven M. Ottens
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Steven M. Ottens
- [mapserver-users] Tips on generating tiles from mapserver
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Tips on generating tiles from mapserver
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Tips on generating tiles from mapserver
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error.no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 13
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Making labels appear less often on adjacent tiles
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Making labels appear less often on adjacent tiles
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] mapserver produces interlaced PNGs even if I configured the map to output noninterlaced PNGs
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] mapserver produces interlaced PNGs even if I configured the map to output noninterlaced PNGs
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] mapserver produces interlaced PNGs even if I configured the map to output noninterlaced PNGs
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Making labels appear less often on adjacent tiles
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Any ways to increase performance of Mapserver?
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Any ways to increase performance of Mapserver?
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] Any ways to increase performance of Mapserver?
Adrian Popa
- [mapserver-users] wfs post and mapscript
Holger Porath
- [mapserver-users] FOSS4G BOF for MapServer
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] PostGIS syntax error
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] Print template and WMS
- [mapserver-users] Lost WMS layer in URL
- [mapserver-users] Re: Print template and WMS
- [mapserver-users] Re: Print template and WMS
- [mapserver-users] Re: Print template and WMS
- [mapserver-users] Re: Print template and WMS
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Johan Ruiter
- [mapserver-users] TileCache 2.10 - MapServer 5.2
Johan Ruiter
- [mapserver-users] Help (tips&tricks) on raster dataset optimization
Robert Sanson
- [mapserver-users] mapserver+SDE support
Robert Sanson
- [mapserver-users] layer extent
Sven Schroeter
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GDAL Raster reprojection
Heiko Schröter
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GDAL Raster reprojection
Heiko Schröter
- VS: [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GDAL Raster reprojection
Heiko Schröter
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GdalWarp parameter passing
Heiko Schröter
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GdalWarp parameter passing
Heiko Schröter
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6beta1: mindistance notworkingproperly?
Michael Schulz
- [mapserver-users] mapserver 5.6beta1: mindistance notworkingproperly?
Michael Schulz
- [mapserver-users] loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/):(line 1)
Michael Schulz
- [mapserver-users] mapfile filter & variable substitution question
Jennifer Shanks
- [mapserver-users] mapfile filter & variable substitution question
Jennifer Shanks
- [mapserver-users] mapserver produces interlaced PNGs even if I configured the map to output noninterlaced PNGs
Michael Shishcu
- [mapserver-users] Any ways to increase performance of Mapserver?
Michael Shishcu
- [mapserver-users] Raster Query Precision
- [mapserver-users] help in Building mapserver
Smith, Michael ERDC-USACE-NH
- [mapserver-users] Drawing points with a FGS installation
Paul Spencer
- [mapserver-users] "simple" scale problem?
Paul Spencer
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
Paul Spencer
- [mapserver-users] tile4ms - Layer object STATUS
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] tile4ms - Layer object STATUS
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] tile4ms - Layer object STATUS
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver Tutorial - Section 3 and Section 4
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] Querying layers for feature attributes
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] Querying layers for feature attributes
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] Querying layers for feature attributes
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] templates, queries & the web object
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] javascript query template examples
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] javascript query template examples
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] quotes in EXPRESSION, ATTRIBUTE type
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] PostGIS syntax error
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] PostGIS syntax error
Ted Spradley
- [mapserver-users] python mapscript - FORMATOPTION
Guillaume Sueur
- [mapserver-users] mapserver produces interlaced PNGs even if I configured the map to output noninterlaced PNGs
Guillaume Sueur
- [mapserver-users] Changing WMS Styles on the FLy
Guillaume Sueur
- [mapserver-users] "simple" scale problem?
Alan Swithenbank
- [mapserver-users] "simple" scale problem?
Alan Swithenbank
- [mapserver-users] long expression statement doesn't work anymore
Rafael Szajbel
- [mapserver-users] long expression statement doesn't work anymore
Rafael Szajbel
- [mapserver-users] long expression statement doesn't work anymore
Rafael Szajbel
- [mapserver-users] Type initializer exception with C# MapScript
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Re: Type initializer exception with C# MapScript - Step 2
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] AGG renderer: Is there a way to disable the antialias feature with pattern brushes?
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] AGG renderer: Is there a way to disable the antialias feature with pattern brushes?
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] AGG renderer: Is there a way to disable the antialias feature with pattern brushes?
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Tamas Szekeres
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
- [mapserver-users] parsing error with regular expression
Ahmet Temiz
- [mapserver-users] Problem w/ SLD Documentation
Bill Thoen
- [mapserver-users] Glacier symbology
Bill Thoen
- [mapserver-users] Changing WMS Styles on the FLy
Bill Thoen
- [mapserver-users] Changing WMS Styles on the FLy
Bill Thoen
- [mapserver-users] Cannot download mstutorial_data.zip ; Proxy error
Eugene Timmermans
- [mapserver-users] AGG renderer: Is there a way to disable the antialias feature with pattern brushes?
Havard Tveite
- [mapserver-users] Type initializer exception with C# MapScript
Daniel Walton
- [mapserver-users] Type initializer exception with C# MapScript - Step 2
Daniel Walton
- [mapserver-users] Help Serving Tiled Tiffs
Daniel Walton
- [mapserver-users] Call layer
Daniel Walton
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Daniel Walton
- [mapserver-users] Cannot download mstutorial_data.zip ; Proxy error
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Problem with configure
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage question
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] help in Building mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] WMS shootout, ESRI and ERDAS
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Tileindex of DGN files
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] MapServer CGI GdalWarp parameter passing
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Tiled PNG doesn't work for WCS (and WMS)
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Lars Westerlind
- SV: [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Lars Westerlind
- SV: SV: [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Lars Westerlind
- SV: [mapserver-users] roadlines issue
Lars Westerlind
- SV: SV: [mapserver-users] Shapefiles with islands
Lars Westerlind
- [mapserver-users] Can you pass draw scale into postgis SQL?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Can you pass draw scale into postgis SQL?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] question about TRANSPARENT ON
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript delivers map with larger extent than requested
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] AGG Rendering problem
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] FW: Character symbology to follow line direction
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Use of palette file: Problems with changingcolors when tiling
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] OSM data rendering using Mapserver
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Google Disruptive business models on Geo Data
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Could someone help me on deploy mapserver on a hosting space?
Liangxiong Zhu
- [mapserver-users] help in Building mapserver
Medve Zsolt
- [mapserver-users] mapserver+SDE support
Medve Zsolt
- [mapserver-users] Scale dependant image tile
- [mapserver-users] Rotate parcel labels so that they are normal to their parcel
- [mapserver-users] Call layer
jbloc1878 at googlemail.com
- [mapserver-users] Call layer
jbloc1878 at googlemail.com
- [mapserver-users] Call layer
jbloc1878 at googlemail.com
- [mapserver-users] Pls help!! Mapinfo Tab Objects and Symbols
- [mapserver-users] Mapinfo Tab Objects and Symbols
- [mapserver-users] Control access to WMS
Steve.Toutant at inspq.qc.ca
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver CGI 5.4 crashed my app (Windows 2003)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI) using MSSQL2008
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] Help with NQuery error (CGI)
Paul james
- [mapserver-users] problem maxscale - minscale
- [mapserver-users] To compile module libmapsript.so for Java
joel ml
- [mapserver-users] As you can calculate the area of a ShapeObj type POLYGON?
joel ml
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
joel ml
- [mapserver-users] How can I handle the GRID with java Mapscript? Help!
joel ml
- [mapserver-users] GRID with Format (Degrees°Minutes'Second')
joel ml
- [mapserver-users] What is the error?
joel ml
- [mapserver-users] problem of building mapserver in windows!
joel ml
- [mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage question
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage question
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [mapserver-users] WCS GetCoverage question
bartvde at osgis.nl
- [mapserver-users] MapServer and GeoWebCache in use
- [mapserver-users] add watermark to wms service
- Automatisk svar ved fravær: [mapserver-users] add watermark to wms service
- [mapserver-users] mapfile filter & variable substitution question
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] WMS/WFS metadata for GeoNetwork harvesting
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver error: "Web application error. Missing magic string, ..."
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver error: "Web application error. Missingmagic string, ..."
pcreso at pcreso.com
harpal singh
- [mapserver-users] maploading problem
- [mapserver-users] mapserver not showing symbols
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
- [mapserver-users] ShapeObj from WKT help please
- [mapserver-users] loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error near (/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/):(line 1)
geetha at ttkmaps.com
- [mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo beyond scale
seis4web at web.de
- [mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo beyond scale
seis4web at web.de
- [mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo beyond scale
seis4web at web.de
- [mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo beyond scale
seis4web at web.de
- [mapserver-users] label encoding problem
- [mapserver-users] legend and encoding problems
Last message date:
Sat Oct 31 12:24:18 PDT 2009
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:43 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).